Description of the attraction
The popular local history museum in the city of Polyarny is a non-profit municipal institution. The opening of the museum took place on June 24, 1999 - just on the day of the celebration of the centenary anniversary of Polar Murmansk region. The famous local history museum keeps the cultural heritage closely related to the historical development of the Northern Fleet.
In October 1997, a decree was signed on the creation of a new museum, after which, for almost two years, the museum workers were preparing for the grand opening of the first exposition. For the opening of the museum, the city authorities allocated a three-story building, erected in the mid-1930s. On the ground floor of the building there is a premise intended for an open Children's Museum, artists' workshops, a lecture hall, a storage facility and some service premises. The second floor was equipped for an exhibition space, which was united by several exhibition halls. This room houses the main exposition of the museum, which is dedicated to the history of the navy and the entire city. On the third floor there are two halls, which are rented out for the needs of temporary exhibitions. In addition, on the third floor there is a library, administrative offices and departments intended for museum employees.
The main museum exposition is located on the second floor and occupies three halls with an area of 400 sq. All presented exhibits are distributed according to several themes. In the museum, you can visit a section dedicated to flora and fauna, a section about the construction of the Northern Fleet, an entographic section, a section dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, as well as a section of modern history.
The museum workers pay special attention to friendly and collaborative relations with various museum institutions, which is why two halls on the third floor are dedicated to temporary exhibitions, but they are never empty. In this room, exhibitions are organized not only from their own funds and storerooms, but also exhibitions brought from other cities. It often happens that several exhibitions are held at the same time in a museum. In the premises of temporary exhibitions, the works of painters and photographers, masters of applied art, represented by sewing, embroidery, floristry, and patchwork, are often displayed. The Museum of History and Local Lore also holds professional exhibitions related to the holidays of various professions. For example, visitors can get acquainted with the products of the local bakery and with displays of various technical means used in the work of the police and firefighters. In the premises designated for temporary exhibitions, presentations of international projects, which are carried out jointly with Norway and Russia, are regularly organized.
To date, the museum funds of the Polyarny Museum of Local Lore include about 12 thousand of the most diverse storage units, because not so long ago the museum staff had just begun to collect priceless museum collections.
In 2001, archaeologists from the St. Petersburg Institute of Material Culture came to the city. During the excavation of the burial ground, unique exhibits were discovered that are directly related to the ritual burials of the northwestern primitive European tribes. The largest number of artifacts were presented in the museum's exposition.
Museum employees try to reflect in all exhibitions the most important stages in the formation of the city of Polyarny, as well as the Kola Peninsula. All museum funds are constantly replenished, which makes it possible to periodically revise, as well as transform exhibitions. In 2002, an exposition hall was opened in one of the museum departments, which was dedicated to the flora and fauna of the entire Kola Peninsula.
In 2000, a department appeared in the museum, which was named the Open Air Museum, where it is fashionable to see naval and military equipment up to our time.