Capela dos Coimbras description and photos - Portugal: Braga

Capela dos Coimbras description and photos - Portugal: Braga
Capela dos Coimbras description and photos - Portugal: Braga
Quimbrush Chapel
Quimbrush Chapel

Description of the attraction

Braga is the religious center of Portugal and has over 300 churches, not counting the chapels.

The Quimbrush Chapel, with its Manueline-style crenellated tower, is located in the church residence of the Quimbrush family and was built in 1528 under the direction of Archbishop Diogo de Sus by several craftsmen who worked on projects at that time in Braga. Like many other attractions in Braga, the chapel is located in the historic center of the city, near the church of São João do Souto. The building stands along the road, and the rear façade overlooks the Quimbrush Palace.

The chapel has a rectangular tower that is covered with ceiling tiles. There is a lion statue above the entrance. The chapel can be accessed through a covered entrance flanked by elegant Baroque columns and the Quimbrush family coat of arms at the top. Attention is drawn to the porch, which is made in the Romanesque style and has spherical wooden doors covered with carved curlicues, as well as semicircular windows and canopied cornices.

The ceiling has the shape of a ribbed vault, on the ceiling there are gilded rosettes, and inside is the coat of arms of the House of Lancaster. The altar is decorated with sculptural works located inside niches on eaves with awnings. A semicircular arch with the coat of arms of the chapel founder protects the entrance to the main crypt. Inside, the walls are decorated with azulejo tiles, the panel displays the history of the creation of the world, Adam and Eve.

On June 16, 1910, the Portuguese Institute for Architectural Heritage classified the chapel as a national monument. In 1936, the first restoration work was carried out in the chapel, including the strengthening of the walls of the old chapel and the restoration of the ceiling.

