Danish Royal Theater (Det Kongelige Teater) description and photos - Denmark: Copenhagen

Danish Royal Theater (Det Kongelige Teater) description and photos - Denmark: Copenhagen
Danish Royal Theater (Det Kongelige Teater) description and photos - Denmark: Copenhagen
Royal Danish Theater
Royal Danish Theater

Description of the attraction

The Royal Danish Theater - one of the first largest national theaters in Denmark, was founded in 1722 under the name "Danish Stage". In 1728, due to massive fires in Copenhagen, the theater building burned down, for a long period of time it was not restored.

Twenty years later, King Frederick V issued an order to build a theater on Royal Square. The construction project was developed by the largest Danish architect of the Rococo era, Nikolai Eitved. On July 4, 1748, the foundation was laid, and in December 1748 the construction of the Royal Danish Stage (as the theater was called) was completed. From 1749-1871, the theater was constantly rebuilt. The main purpose of the work was to expand the auditorium and increase the stage. This led to disastrous consequences. The exterior of the building was completely damaged, and the functionality of the theater suffered as well. In 1871, the city government commission decided to build a new theater building. The foundation was laid in 1872 and the grand opening took place in October 1874, but the final finishing work was completed in 1883 thanks to funding from the Carlsberg Foundation.

At the end of the 18th century, three renowned collectives were formed at the Royal Theater: opera, ballet and drama. In 1857, on the basis of the theater, doors were opened for students of a choreographic school, in 1886 - a drama school, in 1909 - opera classes. At present, the theater has two stages: one stage hosts drama performances, the other hosts operas and ballets.

Today, the Royal Theater is one of the most popular historical sites.

