Church-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia description and photo - Russia - Ural: Yekaterinburg

Church-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia description and photo - Russia - Ural: Yekaterinburg
Church-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia description and photo - Russia - Ural: Yekaterinburg
Temple-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia
Temple-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia

Description of the attraction

The Church-Monument on Blood in the Name of All Saints Who Shone in the Land of Russia is one of the largest Orthodox churches in Russia. The temple is located on the site of the famous house of engineer Nikolai Ipatiev. In the basement of this house, members of the royal family were killed - along with the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, five children and servants were killed.

The Ipatiev house was demolished in September 1977. After the beginning of Perestroika, believers began to gather more and more often on the site where the engineer’s house was once located. In August 1990, a wooden cross was erected here. In September 1990, the executive committee of the Sverdlovsk City Council decided to allocate a land plot to the Sverdlovsk Diocesan Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church and allowed to install a memorial symbol on the site of the engineer Ipatiev's house.

In September 1992, Archbishop Melchizedek of Verkhoturye and Yekaterinburg laid the foundation stone for the future church. Vladyka also consecrated a wooden chapel built in honor of the Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna. Unfortunately, the construction of the temple soon stopped due to lack of funds. The construction of the church was completed only in 2003.

The five-domed church is made in the Russian-Byzantine style. Structurally, it is divided into lower and upper parts. At the top is a public temple where services are held. In the lower part there is a memorial church with a execution room and a museum. The total height of the church is 60 meters. The temple has 14 bells, the largest of which weighs five tons. The facade is decorated with 48 sculptures of saints.

The solemn consecration of the Temple-on-the-Blood took place in July 2003. After the consecration ceremony, the first Divine Liturgy was performed in the newly erected temple.

The church has a children's Sunday parish school. Near the church there is the Patriarch's courtyard, which includes a library, a house church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, exhibition areas and a concert hall.

