Description of the attraction
The Manas National Wildlife Refuge, located in the state of Assam in northern India, plays a very important role in the protection of the country's natural resources, namely in the implementation of programs for the protection of tigers, rhinos and elephants. It got its name due to the tributary of the Brahmaputra river - Manas, flowing through its territory. In turn, this river was named after the serpent goddess named Manas.
The park lies in the foothills of the Himalayas and covers an area of about 950 sq km, and part of it is located in neighboring Bhutan. Originally established in 1928 as a conservation park, it has now raised its status to a national biosphere reserve, and in 1985 entered the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The number of species of mammals inhabiting Manas is more than 55, birds - 380 species, reptiles - 50, and even 3 species of amphibians. Some of these animals are critically endangered. Among the inhabitants of Manas there are Asian elephants, tigers, carapace (or Indian) rhinos, gauras, Indian buffaloes, barasings, sloth bears, axis, sambars, black panthers, smooth-haired otters, hulok, mountain rhesus, langurs cauliflowers, Malay giant squirrels and many other animals. This park is also famous for the fact that it is on its territory that the Assamese roof turtle, golden langur, dwarf pig and bristly hare live - very rare species that live only in this reserve.
In the period from May to September, you should not visit Manas Park, since it is at this time that the rainy season takes place there.