Description of the attraction
One of the main architectural decorations of the cultural capital of Russia is the Admiralty. This complex of buildings in the Empire style was built in the 18th century. The first mention of it dates back to the beginning of the named century.
It should be noted that initially its purpose and appearance were different than at present: the buildings were erected for the repair and construction of ships. The buildings were later rebuilt. Today, the famous building complex houses command of the Russian Navy.
The silhouette of a ship, crowning one of the majestic buildings of the complex, is currently the symbol of the northern Russian capital.
The beginning of the story
In a hiking log Peter the Great there is a record of the foundation stone of the "Admiralty House", the length of which was two hundred fathoms and the width - ten fathoms. The same entry mentions that after the building was laid, this event was cheerfully celebrated in a drinking establishment.
Construction work progressed very quickly. Already two years after the recording was made, the project "Admiralty House" was brought to life. "House", built according to the drawings of the emperor, was a real fortress (it was necessary to protect the shipyard). It was surrounded by ditches with water, the building was also protected by an earthen rampart.
The structure itself was low (consisted of only one floor) and very long. The premises of this building were used as warehouses and forges, some rooms were given to the Admiralty department, more precisely, its services. In the courtyard of the building was dug channel (it was filled up at the beginning of the 19th century). It was necessary for the delivery of building materials, and also had a defensive function.
A few years after the building was completed, a special room was equipped in it for storing drawings and ship models. Here you could see a model of each ship built at the shipyard, and familiarize yourself with its blueprints. At the beginning of the 19th century, this room was turned into a museum. It existed here until the end of the 30s of the XX century.
Silhouette of a boat

The history of the famous ship, which is currently one of the symbols of the city, begins at the end of the 10s of the 18th century. It was then that the silhouette of a boat appeared over the gates of the Admiralty. He was hoisted there Harman van Bolos - Dutch carpenter. The silhouette of the ship was attached to a long metal spire.
What kind of ship became the prototype of this decorative element? Historians have not yet been able to establish this. Some adhere to the following version: the model was the silhouette of the ship that first entered the newly completed St. Petersburg port. According to another version, the spire is crowned with a reduced silhouette of a completely different ship, built in the 60s of the 17th century; it was the first Russian ship intended for military purposes. Which of the two versions is correct? The answer to this question has not yet been found.
There is a legend that the flags on the masts of the famous ship were made of gold … It is impossible to confirm or refute this legend at the present time, since the original silhouette of the ship, crowning the spire, was lost at the beginning of the 19th century and was replaced by a new one.
This new boat was also replaced after about seventy years. The silhouette that currently adorns the spire is an exact copy of the second replaced boat.
Building in the 18th century

The stone building was erected in 30s of the 18th century … His project was developed Ivan Korobov … The architect was faced with the task of creating a truly monumental, majestic structure, and this goal was achieved.
The most striking detail of the building was the tall gate tower … Its spire was gilded. According to some historical documents, the gold to cover the spire was obtained by melting down ducats, which the Dutch government presented to the Russian emperor as a gift. However, this information raises doubts among historians. One way or another, the bright spire, sparkling in the sun, makes a great impression on the guests of the capital to this day. Its tip ends in a weather vane - the famous silhouette of a boat. This silhouette is at a height of seventy-two meters (the height of the tower is forty-nine meters, the height of the spire is twenty-three meters).
In the 40s of the 18th century, the vast area around the building was used as pasture. Also, military exercises were held here. On holidays, fair festivities were organized on this field, everything around became motley from brightly colored merry-go-rounds and booths.
At Elizaveta Petrovna serious problems arose with the fortress canal: dirty water began to accumulate in it (drains were discharged there). The Empress ordered the systematic cleaning of the channel. During the same time period, a large area near the building was paved.
Admiralty in the XIX-XX centuries

At the beginning of the 19th century, the need arose for restructuring Admiralty. Now it was located in the central part of the city, not far from it there were majestic palaces, and therefore it should have looked less utilitarian, more bright and elegant. The building reconstruction project was developed by Andrey Zakharov … The changes he made to the appearance of the Admiralty were very significant, but they did not touch the most striking and recognizable detail of the building - an elegant tower over the gate and a gilded spire with a weather vane-boat. Experts find that the task facing the architect was brilliantly solved by him.
The new main facade of the building in the 19th century looked very impressive (and still makes a great impression): its length is four hundred and seven meters … Let's talk briefly about other architectural features of the majestic structure and the entire architectural ensemble, which plays such an important role in shaping the appearance of the cultural capital of Russia.
- The architectural ensemble includes two U-shaped cases … They were once separated by a moat. In the 19th century, one of the buildings was occupied by workshops, and the other by the institutions of the country's river and sea fleet.
- The central element of the ensemble - spire-crowned tower, which has already been described above. At its base there is an arch; the middle part of the tower is decorated with a colonnade.
- Pay attention to the fact that the overall composition of the architectural complex is notable for its rigor, amazing integrity and clear rhythm.
- Separately, a few words should be said about sculptures, which are an important part of the architectural ensemble. Among them are the image of the goddess of justice, rewarding artisans and warriors, nearby - figures of nymphs holding globes, sculptures of four famous heroes of the ancient world … One cannot but mention twenty-eight sculptural allegories. They symbolize the elements, seasons, cardinal points; one of the statues depicts the muse of astronomy; part of the architectural ensemble is also the figure of the Egyptian goddess who patronizes seafarers; the complex of buildings is decorated with other allegorical sculptures. Please note that all of the above images are united by one theme: they affirm the image of our state as a maritime power. Many other sculptures that are not listed here, but which are part of the famous architectural ensemble, are devoted to the same theme.
- Until now, not only the architectural appearance of the Admiralty has been preserved, but also part of vintage interiors … This is the main staircase located in the lobby, as well as the library and meeting room. The interiors are distinguished by austerity, but it is softened by the grace of decoration. The windows are positioned so that all rooms are perfectly lit; this bright light also softens the aforementioned austerity of the interiors.
In the siege years, a bright gilded spire with a boat, which was a very noticeable target for the enemy, was covered with a cover. Shortly before the Victory, this cover was removed.
The building that adorns this spire restored several times throughout the XX century. Restoration work was carried out at the end of the 20s, then in the second half of the 70s and at the end of the 90s. In the 70s, the spire was gilded; then a special container with the text of the Constitution of the Soviet Union was placed in the cavity of the ball, located under the silhouette of the ship.
Present time

Several years ago, a disturbing fact was noted by the townspeople: on the famous tower with a sparkling spire, a large enough crack … Currently, this alarming situation is being considered by the Committee for State Control, Use and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments.
Five years after the discovery of the crack, a move took place to the premises of the architectural complex of the high command of the Navy, this event was marked by raising the St. Andrew's flag over one of the towers.
A year later, on the territory of the Admiralty there was the temple is open … This church has one unusual feature: there is no cross above its dome, since it is replaced by the cross depicted on the St. Andrew's flag.
There are plans to make some small changes to the current appearance of the architectural complex. According to these plans, the space of the courtyards will be covered with a glass dome, and the historical buildings will be united by glass passages.