Description of the attraction
The remarkable Church of the Resurrection of Christ, operating at the Rostov Kremlin, was built in 1670. The temple is represented by five domes, and its completion is made as a gable covering. The church building is flanked by a pair of barrel-covered towers, while the extended walls of the Kremlin adjoin them. At the height of the second floor, the temple is surrounded on all three sides by a gallery equipped with a large number of window openings. The north and south facades of the first floor have luxuriously decorated pedestrian and driveway gates.
As for the issue of mural painting, it was carried out around 1675, although the names of the masters have not reached our time. Some researchers and historians make the assumption that all the paintings were made by a group of craftsmen working under the leadership of Dmitry Grigorievich Plekhanov from Yaroslavl and Guria Nikitin from Kostroma.
During the 1860s, the murals in the church were renewed, and almost a century later, in the 1950s, restoration work was carried out, headed by V. G. Bryusov.
In the domed space there is an image of "Fatherland", while angels with scrolls are depicted in the drum, and there are evangelists on the sails; the seraphim are depicted on the supporting arches, as well as the "Angel of the Good Silence" and the apostles. On the church vaults, the most important events of the Gospel are presented, which not only preceded, but also followed the "Resurrection". On the vault, located on the east side, the "Crucifixion" is depicted, which shows scenes of the torture of Jesus Christ with a spear, as well as the playing of the tunic by the soldiers. On both sides of the crucifixion there is "Descent from the Cross", "Entry into Jerusalem". On the west side of the vault there is “The Appearance of Jesus Christ to Mary Magdalene”, “Ascension”, “Descent of the Apostles of the Holy Spirit”, “Unbelief of Thomas”, “Breaking of Bread”. The northern vault depicts the Descent into Hell, and the southern vault depicts the Entombment.
The walls of the Church of the Ascension are divided into six tiers, the width of which reaches 1.8 m, i.e. they are quite wide. The topmost five tiers are plotted, and the sixth tier is ornamental and consists of a narrow frieze and a rather massive valance, which is decorated with decorative circles with pictures of birds of paradise.
In the hallmarks, the narrative unfolds completely freely, while they are separated by vertically arranged cutouts. The three upper tiers illustrate the earthly life of Jesus Christ. The fourth and fifth tiers are especially dramatic, because they contain the theme of the Passion of Christ. The culminating and especially important moment of the painting is the "Resurrection", which is depicted on the northern temple wall. Jesus Christ is depicted in white robes, and a whitish glow spreads around him. Christ stands on a large tomb with his hands raised to heaven. Judging by the Gospel myth, this plot represents the greatest miracle, which was accompanied by a "great coward" who horrified the guards guarding the coffin. The painting attracts with a festive mood, which is enhanced to a greater extent by a light and rather sonorous color, which is characterized by a varied shade of ocher, white and green tones.
The interior of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ is characterized by a solemn atmosphere, which is given by paired semi-columns supporting the vault. On the slopes of the window openings there are round medallions intertwined with a floral pattern and equipped with images of saints.
From the east, a five-tiered iconostasis is painted, which gives integrity to the entire space of the temple. The gates adorning the portico look especially solemn and royal, and in the upper part of them the sacrament of the Eucharist is depicted. Church salt is decorated with various images of prophets holding scrolls. In the area where the altar concha is located, there are images: "He rejoices in you", "Seven sacraments", "Great entrance". In the apse part there are archdeacons and deacons, and next to it there are patriarchs. The window slopes contain full-length images of martyrs, monks and apostles. There is a beautiful veil in the lower area of the walls with a golden pattern.