Natural Science Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Varna

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Natural Science Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Varna
Natural Science Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Varna

Video: Natural Science Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Varna

Video: Natural Science Museum description and photos - Bulgaria: Varna
Video: Bulgaria; Varna city; Archaeological Museum; The most widely represented antiquity; Photo; Video 2024, June
Natural Science Museum
Natural Science Museum

Description of the attraction

The Natural Science Museum in the city of Varna is located in the northern part of the Seaside Park. The building was built in 1917-1918. commissioned by the Ministry of Defense for the needs of the border troops. At the beginning of April 1960, the building was given to the Natural Science Museum, at the same time, active work began on the collection of exhibits. Shortly before that, on March 22 of the same year, Ivan Peshev was appointed head of the museum complex.

The creation of the initial fund began with the search and recovery of discovered materials and samples. The Society of Hunters and Fishermen donated stuffed birds. Other stuffed mammals and birds were purchased from amateur taxidermist G. Doikov. At the same time, work was carried out to draw up a thematic and exposition plan, the main provisions of which were to correlate with the characteristic features of the local nature and the collected exhibits. Significant assistance in the creation of the museum was provided by the recommendations of the members of the Institute of Fish Culture and personally its director, corresponding member, professor A. Vylkanov.

The design of the exhibition premises was preceded by the renovation of the building, which lasted for several months in 1961. The museum was opened on July 22, 1962.

The Natural Science Museum is dedicated to the study and popularization of geology, flora and fauna of the Black Sea and the coastal zone. Currently, the collection of the complex has more than 20 thousand samples. Scientifically, the exposition is structured according to the principle of evolution and is divided into three main sections: geology, flora and fauna. The first section "Geology and Paleontology" presents a complete classification scheme of minerals, the origin of rocks, a modern geochronological table, fossils of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, including impressive remains of mammals (teeth of a prehistoric elephant, etc.) that previously inhabited the Black Sea coast. The updated botanical exhibition contains information about the typical representatives of the flora of the region. Specimens of plants with protected status are of particular value. Three halls in the museum are dedicated to different classes of animals: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Museum visitors will be able to discover a lot of new and interesting things about the flora and fauna of the Black Sea region.

