Chapel of Alexander Nevsky description and photos - Russia - Ural: Tobolsk

Chapel of Alexander Nevsky description and photos - Russia - Ural: Tobolsk
Chapel of Alexander Nevsky description and photos - Russia - Ural: Tobolsk

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Chapel of Alexander Nevsky
Chapel of Alexander Nevsky

Description of the attraction

One of the cult and architectural landmarks of the city of Tobolsk is the Alexander Nevsky Chapel (Alexander Chapel). It is located in the submontane part of the city on the Platz-parade square, opposite the governor's house.

The history of the chapel began in April 1882. Then the city duma received a statement from the merchants V. Zharnikov, S. Trusov, N. Kornilov, P. Smorodennikov, S. Bronnikov, A. Grechenin and P. Shirkov stating that the inhabitants of the city want to perpetuate the stay of Emperor Alexander Nikolaevich here on June 2, 1837 and his suffering death (March 1, 1881). The merchants appealed to the Tobolsk authorities with a request to enclose the city's Annunciation Square with new railings so that they could start building the chapel and set certain days when the requiem service would be performed in it. As a result, for the construction of a stone chapel, the local authorities allocated part of the land on the Annunciation Square, which was agreed with the Tobolsk diocesan authorities.

The first draft of the chapel, drawn up by one of the local architects, was not accepted by the provincial authorities. Then the project was corrected by the author of the St. Petersburg Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood - architect A. Parland.

The total area of the brick and whitewashed chapel, built with donations from local residents, is 36 sq. The ceremony of the solemn consecration of the chapel took place on June 2, 1887 and was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the city of Tobolsk.

In the early 1930s. almost all the temples of the city lost their crosses. On the Alexander Nevsky chapel, instead of a cross, an exact model of an airplane appeared, made by master Legotin in 1925.

In 1992, restoration work was completed in the Alexander Chapel. The re-consecration of the monastery took place on July 18, 1992 by Hieromonk Vasily.
