Red rock (Crvena Stijena) description and photos - Montenegro: Niksic

Red rock (Crvena Stijena) description and photos - Montenegro: Niksic
Red rock (Crvena Stijena) description and photos - Montenegro: Niksic
Red rock
Red rock

Description of the attraction

Among the valuable archaeological monuments of Montenegro is the Red Rock Cave, located near the town of Niksic, where the site of an ancient man was discovered. A reddish rock, especially impressive in the rays of the setting sun, stands over the Trebišnica River. A huge shallow cave, in which artifacts of the Paleolithic era were discovered, is a mecca for paleontologists who come here from different countries to conduct excavations. The entrance to it, whose width is 24 meters, is not guarded by anyone, the archaeologists only installed a fence with a gate, which, however, is never locked. Such measures should stop the adventurers, but not the curious tourists, who, at their own peril and risk, reach the stairs leading into the cave, and can inspect the excavations carried out.

The cave in Red Rock was discovered in 1954. It is located at an altitude of 700 meters. It is not clear how the locals looked through such a cave and left its "treasures" intact, and this is exactly what the scientists call what they could find in it. Primitive people organized their camp here during the Paleolithic period and did not leave it for many centuries. Archaeologists have discovered 31 cultural layers that tell the history of this place better than any words. Products made of stone, which are more than 250 thousand years old, are considered valuable finds. Other labor tools were made from pottery and animal and fish bones. At the same time, about 20 people lived in the Red Rock Cave, who went hunting and fishing. In 1500 BC. NS. this dwelling was abandoned and forgotten for many millennia.

Archaeologists managed to find here about 5 thousand material evidence of the life of primitive people.

