Description of the attraction
The Transfiguration Monastery is the most interesting monastery in Bulgaria, it is located not far from the old Bulgarian capital Veliko Tarnovo, only 7 kilometers away. The Transfiguration Monastery is located under the caves of the Biskalsky mountain range, on the Belyakovsky plateau, in the vicinity of the village of Samovodene. The Yantra River flows nearby.
In the region of Veliko Tarnovo, the Transfiguration Monastery is the largest in size. It was founded around 1360. It is believed that the monastery was founded by the Bulgarian queen Theodora (Sara), the wife of Ivan Alexander, the Bulgarian king, and her son Ivan Shishman. Therefore, this monastery, important for the spiritual life of the capital, is often called Sarina and Shishmanova.
In the Middle Ages, the location of the Preobrazhensky Monastery was somewhat different from the modern one. It was located 400-500 meters to the south. In 1952, archaeological research was carried out, as a result, samples of table ceramics and murals were discovered at the old site, the style of which is attributed to the Tarnovo painting and craft school.
The Transfiguration Monastery was first destroyed together with Tarnovo by the Ottoman invaders in the 14th century. After the restoration, the monastery was repeatedly robbed and set on fire by the Kirjals - Turkish robbers who terrorized the local population. As a result, the monastery fell into decay and was consigned to oblivion. However, in 1825, Father Zotik, a pupil of the Rila Monastery, began the restoration of the monastery with donations from the Bulgarians. Sultan Mahmud Khan gave permission for this. The most famous masters Dimitar Sofialiyat, Kolya Ficheto, Zachary Zograf restored the Transfiguration Monastery. The Transfiguration Monastery was completely rebuilt only in 1882; in general, the restoration lasted more than fifty years.
The holy monastery played an essential role in the revolutionary cause of the Bulgarians, many leaders of the liberation movement took refuge here, and during the war, an infirmary worked in the Preobrazhensky monastery.
The Transfiguration Monastery operates to this day, there is a museum exhibition and a library. The monastery contains historical documents, valuable books and icons.