House Sukhozaneta description and photo - Russia - Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg

House Sukhozaneta description and photo - Russia - Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg
House Sukhozaneta description and photo - Russia - Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg
House of Sukhozanet
House of Sukhozanet

Description of the attraction

There are many beautiful buildings on Nevsky Prospekt, but I would like to draw your attention to the house, which is called the house of Sukhozanet. Sukhozanet Ivan Onufrievich - hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, showed himself in the battle near the city of Leipzig, general of artillery, director of the military academy, participated in the defeat of the armed demonstration of the Decembrists in 1825. AND ABOUT. Sukhozanet bought a plot on Nevsky, along with a two-story house that belonged to the merchant A. Shemyakin. In 1830, at the request of Sukhozanet, the famous architect D. I. Kwardi designed a new three-story house and construction began.

After the construction of the building, special attention was paid to the ceremonial interiors, which were carried out under the direction of S. L. Shustov and D. I. Visconti. Work on the interiors lasted three years from 1835 to 1838.

The building is of great historical and artistic value. Some parts of the building and interiors have survived to this day practically unchanged. The facade of the building is characterized by the form of classicism, D. I. Kvardi, who became famous in the first half of the 19th century for her works, did not use order pilasters and columns for its decoration.

On the main facade, Kvardi used a small risalit in the center of the building, which he enlarged with a triangular pediment. The decoration of the floors is different: rustic stones are used on the ground floor; all other steps are covered with smooth plaster. The division between the upper floors and the lower floor is made with a wide ornamented belt. On the mezzanine, typical for classicism window openings with sandrids installed with brackets are used, balusters are used in niches under the windows.

But this design of the facade is known to us only from the records of contemporaries and images of that time. The fact is that the architect I. V. Strom in the sixties of the 19th century carried out the reconstruction of the facade and made his own changes, which can be seen today. However, the interior decoration of the building was not affected. For example, the balcony grilles, made in the best traditions inherent in Russian cast-iron artistic casting, remained unchanged and are interesting samples that arouse genuine interest among connoisseurs of this type of art.

Artificial marble was used for interior decoration. The lobby was tiled with it. I would like to draw attention to the design of the hall, which, according to the architect's plan, was to amaze visitors to the house with its magnificence and beauty. Its decoration was carried out using fluted pilasters (Corinthian order), stucco wreaths, frieze and cornice with modulons. The use of these tools together makes a complete and complete impression. The molded frieze consists of various alternating elements of military themes: a shield, an antique helmet, a garland. The architect gave the effect of completeness to the premises by using picturesque shades. It is not known exactly who painted the plafonds, but if you analyze the motives used, you will notice a perceptible similarity with the elements of the painting that was used in the design of the office in the Elagin Palace. And, as you know, in the Elagin Palace, the painting was performed by the decorator Anton Karlovich Vigi. Based on this, it can be assumed that A. Vigi also performed painting in the house of Sukhozanet.

At the beginning of the 20th century, this house was the headquarters of the Trade Industrial Union. In 1910-1911, some of the interiors were redone by P. S. Baryshnikov.

Until the 1970s, the Soyuztransmashproekt Institute was located here. In 1972, the mansion was transferred to the House of Journalists. After 2 years until 1976, the building is undergoing major repairs. At the beginning of May 1977, a new House of Journalists was opened here, which was previously located on Mokhovaya Street.

In 2011, during the demolition of a neighboring building, the house of Sukhozanet was also damaged, on which cracks appeared. Now this building is in need of major repairs again.

