Description of the attraction
The Karaite kenassa, made in a Moorish style uncharacteristic for Kiev, was built a little more than a century ago by the Kiev Karaites. The building was designed by a very famous Kiev architect Vladislav Gorodetsky, who carried out the order of the manufacturer Solomon Cohen, who was also the head of the local Karaites. To this end, the customer even purchased the estate, but Solomon Cohen himself did not see the creation of Vladislav Gorodetsky, since he died before the completion of construction work. The customer made a lot of effort to implement his idea - only the amount of his personal contribution (35,000 rubles) is considered very large for that time. Even after Kogen was paralyzed, he continued to supervise the construction until his death and, anticipating it, in his will, he prescribed funds for the completion of the kenassa in a separate paragraph. That is why the heirs of Solomon Cohen were able to complete the construction without any problems.
Even then, the kenassa could not fail to attract the attention of any person who would be not indifferent to art. Here, in addition to the talent of the architect himself, the imitations of modeling and stone carving from the newfangled, and therefore expensive then material - cement, masterfully executed by the Italian sculptor Elio Salem, perfectly coexisted. From above, the structure was decorated with a dome of remarkable beauty. At the same time, several innovative technical solutions were applied in the construction: an original pile installation system, electric lighting, etc.
Kenassa was inaugurated in 1902. This turned out to be such an extraordinary event that at the opening and solemn consecration of the kenassa, the mayor, the vice-governor, and not only representatives of the Karaite community, were present.