Description of the attraction
Nicholas Church is one of the sights of the city of Nikolaev, which is located at 4 Faleevskaya Street.
For a long time in Nikolaev there was a wooden Orthodox Greek church, built at the expense and donations of the Greek community. By the end of the 18th century, the church was completely outdated and no longer satisfied believers. In 1808, at the initiative of the priest Konstantin Marabut and with the blessing of the Archbishop of Kherson, Tauride and Yekaterinoslav Platon, donations began to be collected for the construction of a new Greek St. Nicholas Church.
The stone Greek St. Nicholas Church (now St. Nicholas Cathedral) was built for a long time - from 1803 to 1817 due to a lack of funds - Archpriest Karp Pavlovsky was the builder of the temple;
The church was created according to a typical architectural design, which was approved by the Holy Synod. Despite the small size and relative simplicity of the external decoration, the Nicholas Cathedral played a significant role in the life of the city. A parish school was opened at the cathedral. In the 30s of the XX century. the Greek church was closed and used as a warehouse. During the war in 1941, services were resumed in it, which continue to this day.
After the creation of the Ascension and Nikolaev diocese, when the city of Nikolaev became the diocesan center, St. Nicholas Church received the status of a cathedral. After that, the cathedral was restored, and bells were installed on the bell tower. In the southern part of the Nicholas Church, a side altar was erected in honor of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. Near the northern doors, on the outside, there is a place for the ritual of blessing the water.
Today Nicholas Cathedral in the city of Nikolaev is an architectural monument of national importance.