Nature reserve "Swamp Lammin-Suo" description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vyborgsky district

Nature reserve "Swamp Lammin-Suo" description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vyborgsky district
Nature reserve "Swamp Lammin-Suo" description and photo - Russia - Leningrad region: Vyborgsky district
Wildlife Sanctuary "Lammin-Suo Swamp"
Wildlife Sanctuary "Lammin-Suo Swamp"

Description of the attraction

Lammin-Suo Swamp is a hydrological nature reserve of regional importance. The reserve was organized in 1976 and is located 1 km from the village of Ilyichevo, Vyborgsky district of the Leningrad region. The Lammin-Suo Swamp Wildlife Refuge covers an area of 380 hectares.

The main purpose of its creation is to preserve the ridge-hollow bog of the Karelian Isthmus and rare plant species growing here.

The reserve consists of a swamp, which is located in a hollow of glacial-lacustrine origin, as well as the surrounding massif of spruce and pine forests.

On the site of the Lammin-Suo swamp in the post-glacial period, there was a lake for a long time, which was formed during the melting of a huge block of ice. The Lammin-Suo bog is a typical example of raised bogs on the Karelian Isthmus, which are located in eccentric inter-river basins. In this type of swamp, the most elevated part is not located in the middle of the swamp, but somewhat shifted to the edge. Here, the swamp dome is located near two lakes in the northwest.

In the basin of the lake, three primary lakes have survived, with a depth of about 12 meters. Two lakes with an area of 0, 014 and 0, 019 sq. km, located in the north-west of the swamp, and the third, with an area of 0, 003 sq. km, in the northeast at the edge of a peaty depression.

The spatial structure of bog vegetation has a radial-sectoral character. The plant communities replace each other in the direction from the dome to the edges of the bog, in the direction of the flow lines.

The main part of the bog is covered with pine-cotton grass-shrub vegetation. In addition, there are places of ridge-hollow complexes. It is here that hepatic moss, which is quite rare in Russia, and two rare species of sphagnum mosses were found. The forests surrounding the bog are represented by sorrel spruce forests, blueberry-green moss and heather-green moss pine forests, sphagnum birch forests along the swampy outskirts of the bog.

The list of vascular plants of "Lammin-Suo Marsh" is 176 species, which belong to 47 families. Bryophytes are represented by 64 species, 8 of which are liverworts, 38 are green mosses, 18 are sphagnum.

The fauna of the Lammin-Suo Swamp nature reserve is quite typical for the raised bogs of the Karelian Isthmus. In the center of the sanctuary, the forest pipit, the black-eyed sandpiper, nest; and in the strip of spruce forest at the edges of the bog there is a robin, great spotted woodpecker, chaffinch, white-browed thrush and song thrush, willow warbler. There are 59 bird species in total. Here you can meet the bank vole, squirrel, white hare, fox.

In the late 40s. Within the framework of the network of Roshydromet stations, in order to study the hydrological and meteorological regimes of the Lammin-Suo bog, the GGI swamp station was created, which studies the development of bogs, develops methods for calculating the evaporation of bogs, the level of bog waters, the moisture content of peat deposits, the radiation background, the level of freezing of bogs, explores the patterns of changes in the hydrometeorological regime of bogs, studies the hydroecological state of bogs, as well as the influence of anthropogenic influences on it, etc.

Specially protected objects on the territory of the "Lammin-Suo Swamp" nature reserve include: rare plants: tender sphagnum, Lindbergh sphagnum, amazing skrytotallomnik; lakes Two sisters. The greatest interest and significance in geological terms on the territory of the reserve is the kamovo-ozovoy massif.

It is prohibited to carry out reclamation work on the territory of the "Lammin-Suo Swamp" reserve, tourist parking, as well as picking mushrooms, berries, and making fires are prohibited.

