Geological Museum (Museo Geologico) description and photos - Chile: Antofagasta

Geological Museum (Museo Geologico) description and photos - Chile: Antofagasta
Geological Museum (Museo Geologico) description and photos - Chile: Antofagasta
Geological Museum
Geological Museum

Description of the attraction

The Geological Museum named after Professor Umberto Fuensalida Villegas is run by the Catholic University of the North. Here is a collection of exhibits on paleontology, mineralogy and geology. The museum is located in the premises of the university. In its three main halls, a permanent exhibition was unfolded: samples of minerals, minerals and fossils found in the northern part of Chile.

The first collection of the museum was presented in 1972. Two years later, the official opening of the first Chilean Geological Museum at the Institute of Geological Research in Antofagasta became possible. At the end of 2012, after reconstruction, which lasted two years, the doors of the museum were reopened to visitors. Recent transformations carried out in the museum have turned it into one of the most modern centers for the study of geology and paleontology. Its exposition contains 474 samples of fossils and 570 samples of rocks and minerals.

Here you can see the fossilized remains of prehistoric animals, minerals and other elements extracted from the bowels of the earth, as well as samples of meteorites. You will find yourself in the world that reigned millions of years ago on this planet, learn about prehistoric animals that lived on the sea and on land in distant times, see the remains of reptiles from the Jurassic period.

During the grand opening, its director, Dr. Guillermo Chong Diaz, gave a short overview of the 40-year history of the museum, from its inception to the present day.

