Monastery of St. Anna (Kloster St. Anna) description and photos - Switzerland: Lucerne

Monastery of St. Anna (Kloster St. Anna) description and photos - Switzerland: Lucerne
Monastery of St. Anna (Kloster St. Anna) description and photos - Switzerland: Lucerne
Monastery of St. Anna
Monastery of St. Anna

Description of the attraction

St. Anne's Monastery is the abode of the Capuchin sisters located in the Gerlisberg region of Lucerne. The Capuchin Order began its activities in Lucerne in 1498. Then five tertiarii (monks who did not give up worldly life) from Solothurn decided to settle near the chapel of St. Anna. In 1574, there was already a monastery called "Under the Trees", which they left by the end of the 16th century, moving to another place.

In 1899, the building of the former monastery and the adjacent lands were acquired by the cantonal government. It was decided to revive the monastery. For this, the old building was demolished, and in its place in 1901-1904 a new monastic building was built. The project of the monastery buildings was developed by the engineer Müller. In 1904, the community of Capuchin sisters moved here, which had lived in the city since 1612. And if earlier they taught children, looked after the sick, that is, they performed social tasks, then by the beginning of the 20th century they began to lead a contemplative lifestyle. The sisters live here and now. They hold daily worship services, do housework, tend the pharmacy garden, and interact with missionaries in Tanzania.

St. Anne's Monastery produces a variety of products. He has his own bakery, where both nuns and lay people work. Here they make prosphora for several Catholic parishes of the region, and bake aniseed biscuits. The sisters also make monastery tea, which contains herbs grown there. A choir of nuns is invited to participate in Christian festivals.

If you wish, you can rent a room in the monastery of St. Anne. Silence and tranquility under the canopy of the monastery are guaranteed by its mistresses.

