Dolmen de la Madeleine description and photos - France: Loire Valley

Dolmen de la Madeleine description and photos - France: Loire Valley
Dolmen de la Madeleine description and photos - France: Loire Valley

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Dolmen Madeleine
Dolmen Madeleine

Description of the attraction

Dolmen Madeleine is an ancient megalithic structure located in the Maine-et-Loire department, Loire-Loire region. To the north of it there is a small settlement of Jennes, and the nearest large settlement is the ancient city of Saumur. Dolmen is a monument of the Neolithic and Bronze Age.

It is an ancient megalith, in its structure reminiscent of the famous Stonehenge - that is, it is a complex of so-called "triliths" - two vertically standing boulders supporting the third, lying horizontally on them. On the east side of the structure, one of these triliths was lost.

This megalith belongs to the category of dolmens, that is, it is an ancient cult burial structure and is a slab raised on stone supports. It occupies a rather impressive area of 80 square meters. The maximum height of the structure almost reaches three meters. Gray sandstone was used in its construction.

In general, several such Bronze Age structures have been discovered in this area, but the Madeleine dolmen is the largest of them. It is interesting that enterprising medieval peasants found it a different purpose - a field kitchen was equipped here. There are traces of an ancient oven suitable for baking bread. Also here you can see the remains of a doorway wide enough for a peasant cart or even a cart to pass through.

In 1930, this structure was given the status of a monument of history and culture of France, and 10 years later, archaeological excavations were carried out, during which ancient human burials were discovered. Now the megalith is in private territory, but open to the public.

It is worth noting that there is a second Madeleine dolmen, located in the Poitou-Charente region, which is much smaller in size. However, another building was converted into a religious building during the Middle Ages and is a truly unique sight. Unfortunately, her tourist visits are limited.
