Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord description and photo - Russia - Ural: Magnitogorsk

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Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord description and photo - Russia - Ural: Magnitogorsk
Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord description and photo - Russia - Ural: Magnitogorsk
Cathedral of the Ascension
Cathedral of the Ascension

Description of the attraction

The Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord in Magnitogorsk is the largest spiritual center not only of the Chelyabinsk diocese, but of the entire region of the South Urals. The solemn opening ceremony of the Magnitogorsk Cathedral took place in 2004. The construction of the temple began in 1989, but due to a lack of funds it was stopped. In 1998, construction was resumed. The main sponsors were the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, other city organizations and enterprises, as well as local residents. In 2003, despite the fact that the construction work had not yet been completed, the first Christmas service was held in the church.

In December of the same year, a fire broke out in the church building, during which the iconostasis, altar, paintings under the central dome and icons were severely damaged. Despite all the difficulties, planned for July 2004, the consecration of the temple in honor of the Ascension of the Lord took place according to plan. The consecration was timed to coincide with the Day of Metallurgist and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Magnitogorsk. In 2014, the temple was given the status of the Cathedral.

The total area of the Cathedral of the Ascension of Christ exceeds 3 hectares. The temple complex consists of the cathedral itself with seven domes, annexes, a belfry with bells, a source of holy water, a Sunday school, a hotel and a house of mercy with a refectory, a shelter, a chapel and a first-aid post.

The highest point of the temple is at a height of 42 m. The height of the cathedral, together with the domed cross, reaches 52 meters. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia S. Solomatin was involved in the decoration of the interiors of the church building. The iconostasis of the cathedral, 15 m high and 25 m wide, contains 108 icons.

Located on the right bank of the Ural River, the Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord is one of the most magnificent buildings in the city and one of the few large church buildings erected in the country over the past decade.

