Do you dream of relaxing on a sunny beach, enjoying the warm sea? Do you want to take a break from everyday work? But the peaceful tropical landscape can hide dangers that you don't even know existed. There are many such dangers. To avoid them, you must first of all know that they exist. This text tells about dangerous beaches in the world - about those places from which tourists are better off staying away.
The dangers on the beaches can be divided into two groups. The first are created by nature, the second - by man.
Dangers of the first group:
- sharks;
- crocodiles;
- piranhas;
- poisonous jellyfish;
- strong underwater currents;
- dangerous land animals.
Hazards created by man:
- radiation;
- crime;
- drainage of sewage.
Here we will tell you about five beaches that are among the most dangerous in the world.

The water near this beach in Australia is teeming with crocodiles. At the same time, he is amazingly beautiful. Here you can take a picture against the background of incredible landscapes that evoke associations with other planets, other worlds … But crocodiles are very close and they are not asleep. Many tragedies have happened here. A man came to the beach to watch the sunset, and ended up for dinner with the crocodiles.
However, there are also safe areas on the beach. There are always a lot of tourists there. There are even restaurants and hotels there. And in the rest of Cable's territory it is better not to walk without a guide. The total length of this dangerous beach is just over 20 km.
Tiwi Island
The beach of the beaches of this Australian island is jellyfish. Yes, not simple, but box jellyfish. A meeting with one of them may end in death.
In appearance, they do not in any way resemble the nightmarish monsters from horror films. The size of these monsters is about the size of a phalanx of an adult's finger. But there is another danger hidden here: they are not easy to see in the water. Often they are only noticed when it's too late. These creatures are especially dangerous for children.
The peak activity of monsters is in the afternoon. There are especially many of them in the water from mid-autumn to mid-spring.
Burn remedy - vinegar. That is why bottles with it are placed on the beach.
This beach is located in Mexico. Here bathers are ruined by strong currents. Even if you are an experienced and strong swimmer, great care must be taken. These waters have already killed many excellent swimmers. It is especially dangerous here in summer. At this time, the currents are especially powerful.
However, the beach is not empty. For example, nudists like to relax here. Hippies do not bypass the beach either. Many are attracted by the cheapness: the prices in the local hotels and restaurants are good news.
Don't be surprised if someone comes up to you on the beach and offers to buy drugs. Here it is in the order of things. Just say no politely.
It is necessary to mention the pelicans as well: they are a local attraction. Many come here just to admire them.
Bikini Atoll
Resting here is highly discouraged. The beaches here are radioactive. In the middle of the 20th century, nuclear tests were carried out here. They lasted over 10 years. In total, more than 60 such tests were carried out.
However, there are still local residents here. Several people refused to leave the island. Especially desperate tourists come here. They are attracted by the local solitude. The beauty of nature attracts like a magnet.
But a real beach holiday will not work here anyway. Bathing is strictly prohibited. For locals and tourists alike.
You've probably heard the name of this beach in Brazil. Many are surprised: how can he be dangerous? The answer is simple: crime is rampant here.
Anyone can steal here. Even a towel. Going here, do not take any valuables. When on the beach, keep your ears open. And it's not just thieves that pose a threat. There are also a lot of scammers who deceive money from gullible tourists. We do not recommend making deals with anyone on this beach. The consequences will almost certainly be dire.
Despite all this, the beach is not empty. And above it there is a magnificent promenade with shops and restaurants.
So how do you protect yourself from all these dangers? Quite simply: when planning your beach vacation, collect information about the resort. If you do decide to go to a dangerous place, use extreme caution.