Today, more than ever, it is important to take care of your physical and mental health. And the Club Med company knows how to keep in shape not only the body, but also the mind. To make the life of clients filled with all the colors of the rainbow, even at home, and self-isolation resembled a vacation, the program “Club Med at Your Home” was prepared. Fun, easy-to-follow ideas will add variety to your daily routine and inspire adults and children to exercise, be creative, and explore the world around them.
The key components of a holiday in resorts around the world are sports, creativity and cognitive activities, which alternate with moments of complete relaxation, when your body is restored and your thoughts are free. If your body requires movement, join online fitness workouts. If you dream of being alone with your own "I" - do yoga with video instructions from the best trainers. Have not given free rein to their imagination for a long time - devote an evening to making an album of travel memories. With Club Med at Your Home, it's easy to find entertainment to your liking.
As soon as the opportunity arises, Club Med will open its doors to provide guests with the opportunity to practice their favorite sports at the resorts, enjoying the incredibly beautiful nature and fresh air. Exciting walks under the warm rays of the sun, meditation, a variety of sports and sound sleep are the ideal components of a complete reboot that will await you at the resorts.
Guests at Club Med resorts can try over 60 different sports, from world-famous games to exotic activities. Tennis, golf, circus trapeze, electric surfing, diving - everyone will find something for themselves and can even try extreme sports, because all classes are conducted under the strict guidance of our G. O. (from the French Gentil Organisateurs, "caring organizers").
A special place in the program of relaxation for Club Med clients is given to yoga, because it ideally contributes to the acquisition of inner peace. The thought of meeting the dawn by the ocean in the lotus position helps to relax in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Just imagine the unearthly sensations you will get from doing aerial yoga at Club Med Miches Playa Esmeralda in the Dominican Republic! Your body and soul will be filled with a feeling of lightness and weightlessness.
You will get no less pleasure from paddle yoga - yoga practice on paddleboards. As you meditate on the water, you will feel how your body is relieved of fatigue and filled with fresh energy. The sport is always available at Club Med Cefalu in Italy, Club Med Kemer in Turkey, Club Med la Plantation d'Álbion in Mauritius and Club Med Miches Playa Esmeralda in the Dominican Republic. In addition to yoga, guests will also enjoy meditation sessions, breathing practices, Pilates classes, tai chi and much more - everything that will help restore strength and find harmony in body and spirit. Bring back from your vacation more than just memories.
Rest in Club Med is, first of all, a feeling of care and an atmosphere of tranquility. Watching the sunset, massage by the sea, muscle recovery with essential oils after a busy day using cosmetics from leading brands: Payot, Sothys, Cinq Mondes. Relaxation and detox are available at the spa at all Club Med resorts, and the company's website provides some of the secrets to self-care at home.
For more information on wellness and spa visit: www.clubmed.ru/l/wellness