Sea in Punta Cana

Sea in Punta Cana
Sea in Punta Cana
photo: Sea in Punta Cana
photo: Sea in Punta Cana
  • Active sea rest
  • Underwater world

The beauty of Punta Cana does not know what the change of seasons and temperature changes mean - here it is always stable plus thirty and the flowering vegetation invites you to walk and enjoy life. The sunny capital of the Dominican Republic is doubly lucky - it is washed by two reservoirs at once, famous for warm gentle currents and a beautiful coastline. Half of the resort is washed by the turquoise waves of the Caribbean Sea, and the other part is washed by the rushing waters of the Atlantic. By the way, the future rest depends on which sea to choose in Punta Cana.

When choosing a vacation spot, it should be borne in mind that the Caribbean coast is calmer and quieter. The Atlantic Ocean is more obstinate - there are high waves, tides, and the water is a couple of degrees colder. The air temperature is the same for all seasons over 30 °.

Coral reefs protect the beaches from waves and other violent sea moods, while you can swim in local resorts in any season - all year round the sea water is kept at around 28 ° (in the ocean 24-25 °).

There is no pronounced monsoon season, which would interrupt the holiday season, but storms are frequent in summer, which is why swimming is often prohibited. However, such troubles do not happen every day and are typical for the Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea is almost always available for recreation.

The best time for a trip is considered to be the winter months from December to April, when the sea in Punta Cana is in a peaceful mood, you can freely swim, sunbathe and have fun in all possible ways.

Beaches in Punta Cana:

  • Punta Cana Beach.
  • Bavara.
  • Cap Cana.
  • Cabeza de Toro.
  • Macau.

Active sea recreation

Nature generously endowed these lands not only in the name of happy idleness. In the coastal waters, you can hone your windsurfing skills and learn the wisdom of kiting all day long, go parachuting and skiing, cut the water surface on boats and catamarans, jet skis, bananas, boats with a transparent bottom, dignifiedly walk on yachts or conquer the elements by sailing. The Atlantic coast is best suited for these purposes, while the Caribbean beaches are optimal for children's recreation and relaxation in the sea waves.

The bottom off the coast is quite shallow, clean and even, local hoteliers keep an eye on the cleanliness of the beaches themselves, quickly eliminating any inconsistencies with the heavenly landscapes.

But the most exciting thing here is snorkeling and scuba diving. And here the Caribbean Sea has no equal. The magnificent underwater vegetation, the colorful world of the depths, the luxurious fauna, the stunning landscape - thanks to the natural resources, diving at the resort is organized at the highest level - training, diving, equipment rental services are offered on almost every beach.

You can dive in the Caribbean Sea in Punta Cana close to the coast, which is quite suitable for beginners, or at great depths, where preparation is required, but the pictures are much richer. Underwater caves, grottoes, corridors and tunnels, sunken ships - all this is in abundance, and you can find ancient artifacts. In addition, the visibility in the water reaches 30 meters.

Some reefs pass at a depth of only 10 meters - you don't even have to dive much, everything interesting will be in sight almost at the surface. There are sheer coral walls stretching tens of meters deep, high walls and coral mountains protruding from the water. Of great interest is the Laguna Pepe cave, near which there are often fragments of Indian ceramics.

In the Atlantic Ocean, the views are poorer, and there are strong currents here, so diving is not so popular, but those who want to look for adventure are here as well.

Underwater world

The marine world in Punta Cana is incredibly beautiful and diverse, both in the ocean and in the sea. Dozens of species of algae of all shapes and shades grow here, including thalassia, chlorophyll algae. Animals are represented by crabs, swordfish, flounder, marlins, clown fish, lobsters, lobsters, jellyfish, starfish and hedgehogs, sea snakes, gobies, sardines, tuna, stingrays, flying fish, turtles, barracudas. Warm currents attract reef and tiger sharks, humpback whales, and white sharks.

Thanks to such an abundance of the sea in Punta Cana, not only explorers of the depths dream, but also those who like to hunt with a fishing rod - fishing tours with access to the open sea and the ocean are organized for guests.
