Sea in Nice

Sea in Nice
Sea in Nice
photo: Sea in Nice
photo: Sea in Nice
  • Climate and sea
  • Beach vacation
  • Possible dangers

Nice, the Cote d'Azur, the Mediterranean Sea - these words are enough to put into a state of ecstasy anyone who was there or at least saw the textbook pictures of the resort life of the French Riviera. The sea in Nice is indeed beautiful - a delicate turquoise color, crystal clear and welcomingly warm, promising to enjoy the coolness even on the hottest day. The resort is located on the picturesque shores of the Bay of Angels and from year to year pleases vacationers with summer warmth and gentle breezes.

The Cote d'Azur is considered the standard of summer holidays in Europe, rich people and celebrities, politicians and oligarchs, businessmen and all successful people relax and relax here. In many ways, the resort owes its fame to the sea factor: there are perfectly clean beaches, exemplary infrastructure and endless opportunities for recreation on the water. If you want, explore the sea by boat or swim, if you want, conquer the wave on a board, ski or parachute, and if you wish, you can go to the kingdom of the sea, to get acquainted with the people of the sea.

Climate and sea

The beach season in Nice lasts from May to October, although the peak of tourist passions, as in all of Europe, is in the middle of summer. Since May, the water temperature reaches values of 22-23 °, in order to warm up to a solid 25-27 ° by June-July. Since September, the sea in Nice cools down, slowly approaching a temperature of 23 °, in order to reach 20 ° and below by October. And although the sun still shines brightly and warmly, swimming in the sea is far from so pleasant.

The bottom off the coast of Nice is rocky, with large pebbles, thanks to which the perfect transparency of the water is preserved here even on the busiest spa days. Entering the water is not always convenient, this is again hampered by pebbles and stones found in the water, for protection from which many people prefer to take sea baths in special shoes.

But the underwater world of the Mediterranean Sea is incredibly rich and beautiful, which is easy to see by sailing several tens of meters from the coast. Groupers, stingrays, moray eels, octopuses, lobsters, snake fish, sea bass, squid, shrimp, tuna, swordfish, turtles, octopuses inhabit the water depths along with coral reefs, underwater caves and grottoes, sea grass, colorful sponges.

Such a variety could not but give rise to the development of the diving movement in Nice. It is also facilitated by the serene state of the sea and the absence of pronounced currents in the coastal waters.

Beach vacation

The sea in Nice is, first of all, the beaches - municipal and private. Almost all of them are pebbly, which is not always to the liking of vacationers. But the gentle descent into the water and the absence of strong waves made them leaders in the field of children's recreation.

There is hardly a single beach in the area that is not equipped with sun loungers, umbrellas, entertainment areas and restaurants where guests can have a snack without interrupting their favorite activity. Many sites have earned the right to own the Blue Flag and are in no hurry to part with it.

Seekers of more active entertainment can plunge into the world of water sports - surfing, kiting, snorkeling, parasailing, rowing, windsurfing or indulge in the temptations of the sweet life, sailing on yachts and boats.

In the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Nice there are many different living creatures, which fans of sea fishing do not hesitate to take advantage of.

Several dozen dive sites, coral caves, breathtaking landscape and the remains of ships that sank many years ago have made diving one of the main holiday destinations. Thousands of athletes come to explore the sea in Nice, especially since diving here is comfortable from May to November, and even longer if you have a warm wetsuit.

Five reasons to visit Nice:

  • The best beaches on the French Riviera.
  • Excellent conditions for sports.
  • Unrivaled service.
  • Excellent ecology.
  • Huge selection of water, underwater and land entertainment.

Possible dangers

Do not get too carried away by rest, forgetting about caution. Jellyfish often swim near the coast, touching which is fraught with bites. Poison is injected into the victim's body, which at such doses will not cause serious harm in addition to pain, but can cause serious reactions in allergy sufferers. Jellyfish are also very dangerous for children.

Do not forget about other inhabitants of the sea with whom you can meet during diving - sea urchins, snakes, moray eels bite painfully, sting and burn, provoking not only severe pain, but also burns, poisoning and other problems. So that a vacation at the sea in Nice is not spoiled by such incidents, it is wiser to avoid such "acquaintances".
