What to see in Hurghada

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What to see in Hurghada
What to see in Hurghada

Video: What to see in Hurghada

Video: What to see in Hurghada
Video: Hurghada Egypt Travel Guide: 11 BEST Things to Do in Hurghada 2024, July
photo: Hurghada
photo: Hurghada

The secret of the attractiveness of Hurghada for tourists is not difficult to unravel: here is the Red Sea with beautiful coral reefs, excellent infrastructure, excellent service, delicious food and reasonable prices. In Hurghada, first of all, they strive for a beach holiday. And those who get bored of sunbathing on the beach can choose something from a rich excursion program. After all, Hurghada is located much closer to the main attractions of Egypt than other resorts. From here you can go for a full day to Cairo or Luxor to the ancient Egyptian temples, to El Gouna or to the pyramids of Giza. You can drive jeeps or ATVs on a mountain plateau or endless sands, taste freshly baked flatbread in a Bedouin village, ride a camel and enjoy a colorful sunset in the desert.

But even if you do not want to travel far or spend the whole day on excursions, you will always find what to see in Hurghada and its immediate environs.

TOP-10 attractions of Hurghada

Marina embankment

Marina embankment
Marina embankment

Marina embankment

The brightest, most elegant and most attractive part of Hurghada is the Marina embankment. This is a fashionable promenade, where lights sparkle, music pours, and luxury yachts sway in the azure sea. If you come here in the evening, sit in a cafe at a table overlooking the water, you can watch a fantastically beautiful sunset and enjoy associations with expensive resorts on the French or Italian coast.

For lovers of incendiary nightlife, Marina Boulevard will offer:

  • live music (from national oriental melodies to jazz and classics);
  • funny rides;
  • cafes and restaurants with dishes of any cuisine of the world;
  • bars, discos and nightclubs;
  • expensive boutiques and souvenir shops.

The entire territory is fenced, here they carefully monitor the safety and comfort of vacationers.

Sand City Museum

Sand City Museum

On a huge, the size of a football field, there are about 30 figures of 2-3 human height, created only from water and sand. This is the "Sandy City" loved by tourists.

The museum is divided into two zones. One half contains figures of historical and mythical characters. Here you can take a photo next to Cleopatra and Prometheus, Caesar and Nefertiti, Napoleon and Zeus. Of course, there is also the Sphinx, the symbol of Egypt. In another part of the site, sandy characters from popular films and favorite cartoons, as well as famous literary heroes, are collected. There are even characters from "Smeshariki", "Well, wait a minute!" and "Winnie the Pooh"

Figures for the museum are created by real masters of their craft. Specially cleaned wet sand is compacted into a lump, from which a sculpture is then cut out with the help of spatulas and palette knives. It is amazing how detailed and accurate the faces are.

Unfortunately, the sandy exhibits are fragile and short-lived, they can be destroyed by strong winds, the scorching sun, rains, or even careless tourists. Therefore, contactless examination of exhibits is the main requirement of the museum.

Coordinates: Safaga - Hurghada Road, Red Sea Egypt (Senzo Mall, opposite the Sunrise Grand Select Crystal Bay hotel).

Grand aquarium

Grand aquarium
Grand aquarium

Grand aquarium

The real pride of Hurghada is the city Aquarium, which has existed for almost 30 years. This is a unique place where the richest collection of samples of flora and fauna of the Red Sea has been accumulated.

There are about 300 species of fish, including clown fish, stone fish, surgeon fish, crocodile fish and angel fish. Here you can watch sharks, jellyfish, moray eels, turtles, octopuses, sea urchins, stingrays and other sea inhabitants. You can admire bizarre corals and starfish. As you explore the giant water reservoirs, you will walk along a suspension bridge, tunnel and labyrinth.

The aquarium is a great opportunity for those who do not swim with a mask and are afraid to dive under the water, to get acquainted through the glass with the fabulous underwater world of the Red Sea.

The aquarium can be found in the Old Town, from the Scuba Diving Center and the Triton Empire Hotel.

Museum of Marine Biology

Another aquarium is located in the Museum of Marine Biology. This museum, also called simply the Museum of the Red Sea, is located on the northern outskirts of the city. In fact, it is a well-equipped research station where scientists explore the underwater world of the Red Sea. In the laboratory, tourists are not allowed, but they can see all the wonders of the underwater world, passing along the corridor, the walls of which are aquariums. The museum prides itself on its library with the world's largest collection of books and scholarly articles on the Red Sea. Here you can also see ancient books about the nature of Egypt.

Excursions around the Museum are educational in nature. Visitors will learn where the name "Red Sea" was born, why the coastal water is always clear, why local corals are so bright, which algae are considered the most beautiful and which are dangerous to humans, and much more.

Coptic Church

Coptic Church

The main historical monument of Hurghada, the Coptic Church, is located in the Old Town. The majestic architectural complex, built in 1922, combines elements of Christian architecture and oriental details.

The simple, light-colored building of the temple, crowned with a dome with a cross, is surrounded by a wall. You can enter the church through a wooden gate. The main value of the interior decoration of the church is a beautiful iconostasis, where Christian icons are located in three rows, many of which were brought from Catholic churches in Europe.

Access to the church for tourists is open on any days - both on weekdays and during festive services. For parishioners, benches and screens are installed, the stuffiness is dispersed by fans, and for women, headscarves and skirts are not obligatory here.

Central mosque

Central mosque
Central mosque

Central mosque

The Abdulhasan Elshazi Mosque - the central mosque of Hurghada - is called by many the most beautiful sight of the city. It is a graceful white stone building, decorated with ornate carvings and traditional Arabic ornaments. The majestic 40-meter minarets are visible from afar. At night, the mosque is beautifully illuminated and looks especially impressive.

Since the mosque is not only an architectural monument, but also a functioning temple, only Muslims are allowed to enter. Therefore, tourists, unfortunately, cannot appreciate the full scale and splendor of the interior interiors and are content with only an external examination of the mosque. Sometimes, however, for organized groups of excursionists, exceptions are made and allowed to enter for a short time.

Sakkala area and Sheraton street

Sakkala is one of the oldest districts in Hurghada. For tourists, it is attractive for its pronounced oriental flavor. Shoppers will get a lot of impressions here from the numerous souvenir shops and shops with hookahs, leather, clothes, tea and spices. Tip: bargain to the bitter end! Sellers are ready to give away the goods even with a very decent discount, just so that you do not leave with your money to a competitor around the corner.

The main street of the district is Sheraton. It connects the embankment and the Old Town. It is a spacious street with wide pedestrian walkways. Everywhere there are counters with national food and fast food, ice cream parlors and restaurants with cozy terraces, hookah bars with soft sofas and souvenir shops. There is even a fish market at the end of the street.

The authorities of Hurghada carefully control the cleanliness and order on Sheraton Street, so that many tourists are happy to spend their evenings here.

Palace "Thousand and One Nights"

Palace "Thousand and One Nights"

An oriental fairy tale, an amazing palace with turrets and domes, millions of lights, an enchanting performance - this is Alf Leila Wa Leila, a hotel and entertainment complex. It is here that unforgettable shows are held every evening for admirers of the oriental flavor. Guests are waiting for:

  • walk along the bridge over the lake with crocodiles;
  • incendiary dances of oriental beauties;
  • fabulous theatrical performance;
  • striking circus stunts with Arabian horses and camels;
  • light extravaganza and singing fountains.

Local restaurants will offer excellent oriental cuisine, delicious cocktails, Arabic coffee and shisha.

Umm Huwaitat, "ghost town"

About an hour's drive from Hurghada is the "ghost town" - Umm Huwaitat. Even 100 years ago, quite recently by historical standards, it was an actively developing workers' settlement at a phosphate mine. Roads were built here, houses were erected, there was a school, a hospital and a mosque. But then, for a number of reasons, the city was completely deserted and now it is a well-preserved ruin.

The main attraction is the abandoned snow-white mosque. You can climb the minaret, which offers a stunning view of the city streets. You can look into the dwellings of ordinary workers or the once luxurious house of an Arab sheikh.

The most convenient way to explore Umm Khuwaitat and its surroundings is by ATV or Jeep. The ghost town safari will appeal to active tourists who appreciate mountain landscapes, desert expanses and mysterious ruins. Just do not forget to take water supplies and a hat with you on the excursion, because there is practically no place to hide from the sun.

Monasteries of Saints Paul and Anthony

Monasteries of Saints Paul and Anthony
Monasteries of Saints Paul and Anthony

Monasteries of Saints Paul and Anthony

In the vicinity of Hurghada, two interesting sights are located not far from each other - the Monastery of St. Anthony and the Monastery of St. Paul.

The Monastery of St. Anthony is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world. It was built in the 4th century and received the name of Anthony, a saint who is considered the father of monasticism in Christianity. Anthony, according to legend, lived as a hermit somewhere in caves near the place where the monastery stands today. Inside the monastery there is an old church with amazing paintings made in different styles and in different eras. Saint Anthony is buried in this church.

The monastery is active; today 70 monks live in it. The rich library at the monastery boasts old manuscripts and a magnificent collection of church utensils. In the cave of St. Anthony, you can draw water from a crystal clear spring.

The Monastery of St. Paul is Coptic, founded in the 5th century. At first it was only a modest chapel, but then it was completed and expanded. The monastery has preserved a very valuable architectural object - a tower, built to protect against the Bedouin raids. Noteworthy is the Church of St. Mary and three other churches, decorated with wall paintings from the early 18th century.

