New Year in Laos 2022

New Year in Laos 2022
New Year in Laos 2022
photo: New Year in Laos
photo: New Year in Laos
  • Let's take a look at the map
  • Moving on to water treatments
  • Tribute to European traditions
  • Useful information for travelers

Landlocked Laos looks more than modest against the backdrop of its promoted neighbors - Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. There are not many tourists here, and compatriots can be counted on one hand, but nevertheless, Russian speech is increasingly heard in the hotels of a small country lost in the jungles of Southeast Asia. There are many reasons to fly to the land of "millions of umbrellas and a white elephant" and one of the most popular is the New Year's meeting in Laos. In addition to the traditional calendar adopted throughout the world, the Lao have their own. According to local traditions, their New Year is called Bun Pimailao and comes in mid-April.

Let's take a look at the map

The Lao Republic is located in latitudes with a subequatorial climate. Despite the lack of access to the ocean, its proximity is felt, and the sea winds-monsoons have a great influence on the formation of the weather in Laos:

  • Forecasters distinguish three main seasons in Laos. The Gregorian New Year falls on a dry and cool season, while the Lao national holiday is celebrated in a dry and hot season.
  • Average temperature values for December and January depend on the region and can range from + 15 ° С to + 24 ° С. In the valleys of the Mekong, it is hot in April - up to + 35 ° С, but on the slopes of the mountains, the thermometer columns do not rise above + 23 ° С at this time.
  • If you are going to celebrate the New Year in the mountain reserves of Laos, December and January are very comfortable times for hiking and exploring the nature of Southeast Asia.

The Lao capital Vientiane boasts warm weather during the calendar winter. On New Year's Eve, thermometers are unlikely to show below + 17 ° C, and during the day during the winter holidays, you will rather need sunscreen and dark glasses than sweaters and jackets. Average daily temperatures during the height of winter in Vientiane are around + 27 ° C.

You can also quite comfortably meet your favorite holiday in the ancient capital of Luang Prabang. The weather here is warm and dry in winter, mercury columns during the day and at night stop at + 26 ° С and + 16 ° С, respectively. But at the time of the meeting, Boone Pimailao is too

hot and dusty. So, all tourists here, without exception, like the special traditions of celebrating the New Year in Laotian style.

Moving on to water procedures

The Bun Pimailao holiday lasts about a week and is a cheerful and bright series of days when all residents and guests of the country have fun and rejoice like children. It starts on April 13-14 and is accompanied by many special and interesting ceremonies. For example, both children and adults build sand mortars. Imitation Buddhist temples are a tribute to monks. All over the country, Buddha statues are decorated with garlands of fresh flowers. A beautiful tradition on the eve of the Lao New Year is to release birds from their cages.

But the main custom of Bun Pimailao is to pour water on oneself, passers-by and tourists. The idea of this tradition is that water washes away all sins, hardships and problems, and therefore Lao people, who want a new happy life, try their best.

Pots, buckets, baths with water are put on the streets of villages and cities. Inflatable pools are becoming the hottest goods in Lao shops and malls, and the most enterprising citizens who believe in fulfilling their desires are even removing hoses connected to the water supply from windows and doors. Tables with beer and lemonade appear near the houses, their owners cordially treat passers-by and just as persistently pour water from basins on them.

Prepare for the Lao New Years celebration to last for several days and you have to walk wet all the time. The only chance to calmly walk the streets is given by a special government decree. The law establishes a special period during the day when douches are prohibited. Usually "dry time" begins at 18.00 and lasts several hours.

Tribute to European traditions

New Years according to the Gregorian calendar in Laos are not celebrated very actively. Rather, the local New Year's events are just a tribute to tourists who arrive in the country for the winter holidays. In hotels and shopping centers at this time you can find artificial Christmas trees, decorated in full accordance with the New Year's fashion, and the shops themselves offer goods with New Year's discounts. Hotels with several stars on their facades organize a festive program and prepare special dishes for the New Year's table.

Useful information for travelers

Not a single airline flies directly from Moscow to Vientiane, but with connections you can get to Laos for the New Year celebrations on the wings of several carriers:

  • The cheapest flights will cost a flight with a stopover in Hanoi. You fly to the Vietnamese capital on the wings of Aeroflot and then transfer aboard the national Lao airlines. The price of the issue is from $ 880. The net travel time will take about 10 hours.
  • The second way is a flight to Bangkok and a transfer to the Lao capital there. There are many flights to Thailand from Moscow, including direct ones, for example - Aeroflot. You can get from Bangkok to Vientiane using the same Lao Airlines or Thai Airlines. The cost of tickets depends on the price of the first segment. Air tickets to Bangkok from Moscow are often offered with substantial discounts, and if you take advantage of the special offers of airlines, the transfer can be quite inexpensive.

To have all the latest information on ticket discounts and special offers from air carriers, subscribe to the email newsletter on the companies' websites.

When traveling to Laos in mid-April, take a waterproof camera with you. At the Bun Pimailao celebration, all other photographic and video equipment can be seriously damaged by the water that the locals will pour on you in large quantities.

When celebrating the Lao New Year, you should not rent a motorbike. Roads and streets become slippery with water, and the general chaos is not conducive to safe driving.
