New Year in Norway 2022

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New Year in Norway 2022
New Year in Norway 2022

Video: New Year in Norway 2022

Video: New Year in Norway 2022
Video: NEW YEAR’s eve in Bergen sentrum 2022 /Fireworks in Bergen, Norway 2022/ Nyttårsaften /Fyrverkeri 2024, June
photo: New Year in Norway
photo: New Year in Norway
  • Preparation for the holiday
  • Traditions and rituals
  • Festive table
  • Norwegian Santa Claus
  • What gifts are given for the holiday
  • Where to celebrate the holiday

Winter holidays begin in Norway on December 24th, when Christmas is celebrated in the country. The next most important celebration is the New Year, which falls on the night of December 31 to January 1. This event, as a rule, takes place in the family circle and plays an important role in the life of Norwegians.

Preparation for the holiday

Long before the New Year, fabulous compositions decorated with illumination appear on the streets of cities and in shop windows. On the central square of Oslo, an elegant Christmas tree is installed, which is a symbol of the holiday. On New Year's Eve, the inhabitants of Norway gather around the forest beauty, sing songs, set off fireworks, stage performances and congratulate each other.

As for home decor, Norwegian housewives know a lot about this issue. First of all, all old furniture and accumulated rubbish are removed from the apartment. Further, each room is decorated with wreaths of pine needles and cones, red ribbons and other details on the New Year's theme. A Christmas tree is placed in the living room, and wooden shoes are placed near the fireplace, where Santa Claus puts gifts for the little inhabitants of the house.

Also, before the New Year, it is customary to visit close relatives and go to stores in order to purchase food. Most supermarkets in Norway start sales during the New Year and Christmas holidays.

Traditions and rituals

The main winter celebration harmoniously combines pagan rituals and Christian customs. This is evidenced by some traditions that have survived in the country to this day. Among the most popular are:

  • a joint visit to the solemn service in the church on the eve of the New Year;
  • presenting matches as a gift, symbolizing family well-being and prosperity in the next year;
  • taking beer to the courtyard on December 31 as a sign of a request from the gods to bring a warmer winter to the people;
  • lighting a fireplace on New Year's Eve with new matches;
  • congratulations to each other with the words "God Jul".

Some traditions are passed down from generation to generation and are family in nature. Such ceremonies are held in a narrow circle of close people and are aimed at the desire to be healthy next year.

Festive table

Norwegian cuisine is famous for its abundance of fish dishes combined with dairy products. The recipe of local cuisine goes back to the distant past and has more than one century. Each housewife has her own secret of national dishes, which is carefully kept by the female half of the house.

The New Year's menu primarily includes:

  • clipfix (dried cod);
  • boknafix (salted herring with boiled potatoes and cracklings);
  • baked goose with any filling;
  • fiskeball (minced fish meatballs with creamy sauce);
  • baked seafood;
  • rakfisk (fresh raw fish cut);
  • ribbe (fried pork);
  • Kransekake (sweet cake);
  • Krumkaker (shortcrust pastry waffles);
  • Mandelcake (almond pie).

As for alcoholic beverages, Norwegians prefer locally produced vodka, a variety of beers and mulled wine. During the festive feast, the hostess cuts an almond pie and puts everyone on plates. If you come across a piece of pie with a whole nut, then well-being awaits you next year.

Norwegian Santa Claus

The main character of the holiday is a dwarf named Yulenissen, who outwardly resembles a modern Santa Claus. Despite the fact that the growth of the gnome is very small, his attire is distinguished by a bright color, and every child in Norway knows that Julenissen rides a goat. This animal is especially respected in the country and an ancient legend is associated with it.

According to legend, King Olaf saw a wounded goat on the top of a cliff many years ago, took it to him and cured it. In gratitude for its salvation, the animal began to bring healing herbs to the king, which help to heal people from serious diseases. Since then, the goat has become a symbol of wisdom and mutual help for the people of Norway. Every year children put ears of oats in wooden shoes to appease the New Year's animal.

The official seat of Julenissen is located in cities such as Savalen and Drebak. Come here before the New Year in order to see with your own eyes a fairy wizard. Together with the good gnome, his wife Nissemur lives, helping to choose gifts for children.

What gifts are given for the holiday

Norwegians buy presents for friends and family in advance, as this is a long tradition. It is not customary to give large gifts for the New Year. Most often, pleasant little things act as a presentation. Young people are given original souvenirs, photo frames, accessories, textile products or certificates to beauty salons, etc. The older generation is presented with paintings, beautiful dishes, household items and books.

Various toys, marzipan sweets are bought for children, as well as clothes or shoes. Recently, it has become popular to give money in envelopes. This custom has European roots and is considered to be quite widespread.

Where to celebrate the holiday

When you decide to spend your New Year holidays in Norway, rest assured that your trip will make a lasting impression on you. The land of contrasts and colorful culture attracts many tourists.

For those who love noisy parties and entertainment programs, it is better to go to Oslo, where shows with the participation of the best creative teams are specially developed for visitors.

Fans of extreme sports should take a trip to the northern regions of the country, where the famous fjords are located, around which many villages are concentrated. Locals will welcome you with special cordiality and will not only treat you to national cuisine, but also take you on a winter fishing trip.

It is better for married couples to go to Lapland, which is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus. On the territory of the entertainment complex, you will participate in the New Year's program with ethnic elements, including reindeer sledding and a visit to the Norwegian bath.

You can also go to the country's ski resorts and enjoy active sports. You will be pleasantly surprised by the high level of infrastructure, cozy boarding houses for accommodation and the services of professional instructors.
