The slow, measured life of an average Jamaican influences the fact that tourists stop "rushing" in search of historical sights and cultural monuments, and indulge in leisurely contemplation of the local idyllic landscapes. They also leisurely go for a walk around the evening resort, examining local souvenir shops and grocery stores. What to bring from Jamaica - this will be the topic of this article, there will be enough gifts and souvenirs for everyone, colorful, bright, typical only for this amazing corner of the planet.
What to bring from Jamaica from drinks?
Two of the most famous Jamaican drinks compete for the right to leave for the tourist's homeland: delicious coffee, practically free of bitterness; Jamaican rum, the national drink.
Since time immemorial, coffee has grown beautifully in Jamaica, the best quality beans are harvested from trees growing in the area of the famous Blue Mountain. Coffee lovers love the Jamaican drink for its subtle aroma and lack of bitterness, which is present to one degree or another in coffee produced in other countries. In addition to the popular tonic and invigorating coffee, the island also produces a coffee liqueur with the beautiful name Tia Maria.
This drink is intended for the beautiful half of humanity, the male half chooses Jamaican rum and only rum. The first production of a strong alcoholic drink from fermented molasses was started by slaves who worked day and night on local sugar plantations. This significant event happened in the 16th century.
Since that time, the quality of Jamaican rum has improved significantly, and during the reign of Henry Morgan, a governor by office and a pirate by vocation on the island, the drink gained worldwide fame. Today, the national brand is rum from Appleton Estate, which appeared quite by accident due to the laziness of local workers who simply mixed the remains of different varieties. Tourists prefer to buy alcohol that has an aging period of 10 to 20 years, naturally, the older the older, the higher the cost.
The Jamaicans are proud of another drink - beer, which is produced at local small enterprises, has a delicate hop aroma and a peculiar taste. The hallmark among this kind of alcoholic beverages is Red Stripe beer, it is easy to recognize it by its bright red diagonal stripe (by name). Ginger beer has a peculiar taste, which, thanks to the use of ginger root, acquires a slight bitterness, the taste is somewhat elusively reminiscent of champagne.
Traditional Jamaican souvenirs
Jamaica is not only an island of pleasure and fun, it is also home to skilled, hardworking craftswomen who have learned how to make the finest fabrics, sew clothes from them, and decorate them with national embroidery. Among the famous Jamaican brands, fashion fans note the following: La Pluma Negra; Cooyuh; Sun Island.
Naturally, the first place, which cannot be taken away by anyone, is occupied by the Bob Marley branded T-shirt. This man managed to glorify Jamaica to the whole world, it was thanks to Bob Marley that the musical treasury of the planet was replenished with wonderful melodies and songs in the reggae style. Hairdressers of all countries and peoples have learned to weave dreads and create crazy hairstyles out of them. And the designers of the leading fashion houses brought models to the catwalks in incredibly huge rastaman hats of rough knit, including all the colors of the rainbow.
Thanks to Bob Marley and his followers, among the most famous goods taken from the island of Jamaica, these funniest hats appeared, changing not only the appearance, but also the worldview of the person who wears them. And, in addition to rastaman hats, guests take away an endless number of CDs with reggae music, T-shirts with the image of their favorite idol, huge mirrored glasses from the sun, which are also an essential attribute of a real rastaman.
And even respectable tourists who cannot afford to go out in a T-shirt with the image of Bob Marley or in a knitted hat have the opportunity to purchase souvenirs related to this topic. The main idol is depicted on gold and silver coins issued on the island, such a gift looks quite solid and beautiful, worthy of being handed over to the chef, best friend or neighbor who collects coins.
As you can see, sunny open Jamaica has prepared a lot of amazing gifts for its guests, and many of them are typical only for this region of the planet. Jamaican rum or ginger beer, coffee or delicious coffee liqueur, souvenirs associated with Bob Marley and his amazing music, clothes and fabrics - such gifts to family and friends will change their life, make it a little brighter, more fun, happier.