What to bring from Siberia

What to bring from Siberia
What to bring from Siberia
photo: What to bring from Siberia
photo: What to bring from Siberia
  • Souvenirs useful for health
  • Ethnic souvenirs
  • Wooden crafts
  • What is interesting to bring from Siberia?

Siberia is a fairly large region that stretches from the Ural Mountains to the Far Eastern part of the country. What to bring from Siberia? Depends on where the traveler is going. Each city in this region has its own characteristics and souvenirs that are brought from there. However, there are more or less universal things that can be found in almost any part of Siberia.

Souvenirs useful for health

There are many sayings and proverbs about Siberian health, and residents of other regions wonder why Siberians are so strong? In part, this is due to nature, which generously shares its gifts, rich in various useful elements. From the trip, you can bring several Siberian souvenirs that will help improve your health.

  • Fir essential oil. This coniferous tree grows in abundance in the region and has significant health benefits. Fir oil is good for joints, has a beneficial effect on the skin, and has an antibacterial effect. For colds, it is very useful to do inhalation with this oil. You can buy oil at pharmacies, shops offering bath accessories or from local residents who process fir.
  • Gifts of the cedar. Another coniferous tree growing in Siberia is cedar. Delicious, and most importantly, healthy nuts are harvested from it, which will appeal to adults and children. You can buy this product directly on the market, where nut pickers sell them in bags or even as unprocessed cones, from where you can get the nuts yourself. And in local pastry shops you can buy candies with pine nuts, which will delight those with a sweet tooth. Another useful gift is pillows stuffed with cedar shavings. Sleeping on them has a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthens the nervous system and helps fight viruses.
  • Resin resin. It is a healthy alternative to chewing gum. This resin has a healing effect, is good for the gums and teeth, besides, it has a rather pleasant, albeit peculiar taste. However, it should be chewed with caution, as the sticky substance can get stuck between the teeth. You can buy resin in the markets where local grandmothers sell it, or in pharmacies.
  • Herbal balms and tinctures. The Siberian land is rich in various useful plants and herbs, on the basis of which useful balms are made. They can be used as an addition to tea or desserts. Such products are sold in pharmacies.

Ethnic souvenirs

A lot of nationalities live in Siberia with their own traditions and customs, which are still preserved. Tourists who are interested in ethnic themes may be advised to look for such souvenirs.

Musical instruments - jew's harps and tambourines. Once they were indispensable helpers of local shamans, but now they are rather original attributes that can be bought as a keepsake. In Siberia, there are craftsmen who make tambourines by hand, from real leather. There are also those who are engaged in the manufacture of jew's harps.

National dress - in different parts of the region, the costumes will be different, since different peoples live there. They all have their own characteristic ornaments, patterns and garments with historical significance.

Valenki - this shoe is considered one of the attributes of Siberia, as it is a proven way to warm your feet during severe frosts. Here you can buy handmade felt boots or buy their cheaper counterparts in stores, especially since the fashion for such shoes is gradually returning, and designers offer various interesting options.

Wooden crafts

Wooden souvenirs can be found in huge quantities in local shops. Usually cedar and birch bark are used for their production - the top layer of birch bark. Anything is made from these materials: various caskets, boxes, dishes, decorations, wall panels, decorative figurines, household utensils and even bast shoes sold as a souvenir. Cedar and birch bark have antibacterial properties and soothe the nervous system, so their presence in the house will not be superfluous.

What is interesting to bring from Siberia?

What other gifts can you bring from Siberia? For example: the mineral charoite, the deposit of which is located in this region; paraphernalia of local hockey teams - for fans of this sport; honey collected from flowering meadows; sweets from a local confectionery; dried mushrooms and berries collected from the forests.

Siberia is a unique natural region with its own characteristics and traditions. People still live here, where faith in shamanism and spirits flourishes, and if you try, you can meet a real shaman. It is in Siberia that you can improve your health by taking advantage of the gifts of nature, as well as purchase here all sorts of small wooden crafts as a keepsake.
