- How can you get Uzbek citizenship?
- Admission to the citizenship of Uzbekistan of foreign citizens
- Withdrawal or loss of citizenship
- The procedure for applying for citizenship
People change their place of residence for various reasons, some of them move to a new country due to military conflicts or the difficult economic situation in their homeland. At the same time, they return as soon as they see that everything is changing for the better. Others, on the contrary, are going to naturalize in a new country, to become full members of society. Therefore, sometimes the question arises of how to obtain citizenship of Uzbekistan or any other country.
By the way, the Uzbek Republic, which was once part of the Soviet Union, is popular in terms of immigration, especially among residents of neighboring states and, above all, Afghanistan. The law on Uzbek citizenship was adopted almost immediately after independence. A little below about the main provisions of this legislative act and the mechanisms for obtaining citizenship.
How can you get Uzbek citizenship?
Chapter II of the law is devoted to a detailed consideration of the issue of acquiring citizenship of the Uzbek Republic, according to Article 12, the grounds for acquiring the rights of a citizen are as follows: birth; admission to citizenship; international treaties concluded between Uzbekistan and other states of the planet. Also, other grounds for admission to citizenship are spelled out, which go beyond the three presented positions.
The birth of a child on the territory of Uzbekistan does not yet give him the right to be a real citizen of the republic. Certain conditions must be met, a newborn is automatically considered a citizen if both of his parents are citizens of the state. If only one of the parents is a citizen, then the place of birth becomes an important condition; a person born in Uzbekistan receives rights automatically. If born outside the country, then citizenship is determined as a result of an agreement between the parents, and it must be formalized in writing.
Admission of foreign citizens to the citizenship of Uzbekistan
Anyone can apply for admission to Uzbek citizenship, regardless of faith, religion, gender, language, education. When considering the issue of acquiring the rights of a citizen of this country, other points will be taken into account: the period of residence on Uzbek land for at least five recent years; renunciation of previous citizenship; legal sources of livelihood; recognition of the Constitution and laws of Uzbekistan.
Interestingly, the three positions coming first in this list may not be taken into account if the decision on citizenship is made by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the basis is outstanding achievements in various fields of economy and culture.
Immigration services may refuse to accept Uzbek citizenship if there are compelling reasons, for example, participation in parties whose activities are contrary to the Constitution and other regulations of the country. Also, those people who, for whatever reason, violated the laws, are under investigation or convicted, will have to forget about citizenship for a while.
Withdrawal or loss of citizenship
In the Uzbek law on citizenship, issues of renunciation of citizenship are considered in separate chapters. If a person, for any reason, decided to change citizenship, then he must apply for this. Moreover, interestingly, this petition can be rejected if he has not fulfilled his obligations to the state, is brought to criminal responsibility.
There are much more reasons for the loss of Uzbek citizenship, the list includes admission to military service or to work in the security services, police of a foreign state, acquisition of citizenship of the country using forged documents, and providing incorrect information. The law also reminds that citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan permanently residing abroad must register with consular officials.
The procedure for applying for citizenship
If all the conditions for obtaining citizenship are met, a potential applicant submits an application addressed to the President of the country through the internal affairs bodies (while in the territory of Uzbekistan). In the event that a person permanently lives outside the country, he submits an application through consular (diplomatic) missions.
The necessary documents are attached to the application (petition), they differ depending on the basis for admission to citizenship. The payment of the state fee is the final chord on the way to the civil society of Uzbekistan. Although the statements are written in the name of the President, initially they, together with a set of documents, are considered by a special commission. And only on the basis of its decision is the petition forwarded to the head of state, the decree of the President confirms the appearance of a new citizen of Uzbekistan.