As a rule, everyone strives to have a rest in the summer: the sea, palm trees, sand … But it is not always possible to take the long-awaited vacation in the summer months. Yes, however, and it is not always advisable to do this, because sometimes our summer turns out to be no worse than overseas: the same heat, lake, barbecue, meeting with friends. Therefore, sometimes it is a good idea to spend your vacation not in the summer and not necessarily on exotic coasts.
Many people prefer a more "calm", informative rest "for the soul", and not only for chocolate tanning, massage, easy dating and cocktails by the pool. So, where can you go when the summer heat has already subsided and the autumn cold is coming. September, October, and here is November - the threshold of winter. It is worth considering such an interesting and exciting opportunity as a vacation in Austria in November. What is he famous for?
November holidays in Austria
To begin with, let's remember what cities Austria is famous for. These are Salzburg, Vienna, Eagles and many others. The beauty of Austria will not leave indifferent any tourist, even the most distant from enthusiastic emotions when contemplating architectural creations. There is no doubt that an Austrian vacation in November will be truly unforgettable and unique. Why? What are some of the traditional holidays that take place at this time in the country! It is impossible not to mention such a famous holiday as All Saints Day (November 1), as well as St. Martin's Day (November 11). These two amazing holidays will give your trip a special atmosphere and make it literally unforgettable.
Weather in Austria in November
Among the valuable recommendations that a traveler can receive when heading to Austria in November may be the desire to carefully and thoughtfully select the wardrobe for the trip. After all, after all, it is far from summer in the yard, so you will have to take comfortable, warm enough clothes for the planned trip. It will be necessary to take into account not only the month of November itself, but also the region where the traveler will be heading. The climate can vary significantly depending on the location of a particular region.
Remember also that if there is a desire to look at the beautiful leaf fall, then it is better to visit Austria in the first half of the month to catch the leaves on the trees. In the second half, they may no longer be, and the landscape will take on a completely different look.