Everyone who goes for a walk around the city will discover such interesting places in Pskov as the Pskov Kremlin, Gremyachaya Tower, Mirozhsky Monastery and other objects.
Unusual sights of Pskov
Fountain with a goldfish: this fountain with a fish flaunting on the crest of a forged wave can be seen in the central office of the Sberbank branch, located at the corner of Metallistov Street and Oktyabrsky Prospekt.
Monument "Two Captains": it was erected in the park at the address: Oktyabrsky Prospect, 7a, in honor of the heroes of Kaverin's novel "2 Captains" (the writer was a native of Pskov).
What interesting places to visit in Pskov?

According to the reviews of Pskov residents, it will be interesting for inquisitive guests of Pskov to look at the exhibits exhibited in the Pogankin Chambers (everyone will be able to admire the Pskov icon painting of the 14-17 centuries, a collection of silver, in particular, items from the Pskov treasures, found in the foundations of medieval houses in which rich Pskov residents lived) and the Pskov Railway Museum (visitors are offered to admire the candle carriage lantern, fake tickets of the Tsarskoe-rural railway, tools of railway workers, a map of the construction of railways in the Pskov province and other exhibits).
Travelers should take a closer look at the Vlasyevskaya Tower of the Pskov Kremlin: it has an observation deck (access to it is open for 50 rubles), from where beautiful views of the Olginsky Bridge, the Velikaya River, church domes, Zavelichye and Zapskovye microdistricts (the landscapes seen deserve to be captured on photographs).
For walks surrounded by various trees, green lawns and a small lake with an artificially created island, the arboretum park adjacent to the Mirozh Monastery is perfect.
On vacation in Pskov, you should not ignore the planetarium (at the services of visitors there are popular science programs “Under the Sky of the Planetarium”, “Heavenly Kaleidoscope”, “Mythical Zodiac”, “Forward to Mars!” And others; here you will be able to attend lectures and demonstrations of planets) and theater of words (in addition to performances, the theater organizes evenings of romances and author's poetry, creative evenings of famous actors).
Park named after Pushkin is a place where you should come for discos, contests and other cultural events, clubs of interest (play accordion, Russian tea and others), laser shooting range, slot machines, race track, attractions "Rotating swing", "Orbit", “Fun Slides”, “Swing-boats”, as well as for the opportunity to play table tennis, Russian and American billiards. As for children, they will be delighted with the playground, trampolines, children's electric cars, children's railway and other carousels.