What to visit in Sukhumi?

What to visit in Sukhumi?
What to visit in Sukhumi?
photo: What to visit in Sukhumi?
photo: What to visit in Sukhumi?
  • What is interesting to visit in Sukhumi
  • Acquaintance with natural attractions

A wonderful resort, the main city of Abkhazia, during its long history, it has experienced many happy moments and terrible events. It was founded in the VI century, destroyed more than once, but always rose from the ashes. Since the middle of the 19th century, the place has been positioned as a resort center due to the presence of the sea and beautiful natural landscapes. Although the question of what to visit in Sukhumi remains open, since many of the architectural sights have been destroyed or lost.

An experienced tourist will still find something to do in the city, except for a beach pastime. Walking through the green streets and squares, acquaintance with local temples, going to the theater or museum - all these are the main components of a good rest in Sukhumi.

What is interesting to visit in Sukhumi


The meeting place for almost all guests of the city and local residents is undoubtedly the Makhadzhirov embankment. This street is interesting from different points of view, firstly, it stretches along the sea, which means that strollers are provided with incomparable sea views. Secondly, most of the houses were built in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, that is, they provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the preserved historical buildings of the city. The embankment is what guests who have already rested in the city recommend themselves to visit in Sukhumi. Moreover, you can make promenades almost at any time of the day.

Like many other cities of Abkhazia, Sukhumi is multinational, tolerant towards people of different faiths. Therefore, today, walking around the center, you can get acquainted with the following places of worship: Annunciation Cathedral; Catholic Church; lutheran temple. Locals call this part of the city "the quarter of tolerance", you can explore it yourself, but a hike with a guide will bring much more knowledge and emotions, and bright photos will decorate more than one album, preserving the memory of Sukhumi forever.

Also, a walk along another Sukhumi street - Leon will give you a lot of impressions. On the one hand, there are the buildings of the two most important theaters in Abkhazia, it is important that the performances are in two languages - Russian and Abkhaz. The main museum of the republic is also located on Leon street. In the collections of the Abkhaz State Museum, you can find many artifacts that tell about the heroic past of the city. The museum contains exhibits related to history and culture, nature and ethnography.

The building of the local administration is of interest to tourists, but not because the leaders of the republic and the city sit there. The building, which is associated with many legends, attracts as an architectural landmark, erected in 1914. One of the most famous stories is connected with the clock on the tower; the guides say that Joseph Stalin gave it to him, and not just in honor of a holiday or anniversary date. It is believed that the city received such an extraordinary gift for the exemplary order, which the Soviet dictator liked.

Acquaintance with natural attractions

There are two places in Sukhumi that will be equally interesting for adults and young tourists - the Sukhumi Botanical Garden and the Sukhumi Monkey Nursery.

The botanical garden was founded in 1838, today its area has exceeded thirty hectares, the garden continues to expand. The initiator of the creation of such a gorgeous corner of nature in the city was the doctor Bagrinovsky. He was a good physician and well versed in gardening, starting by planting garden trees near his house. His work was assessed by Lieutenant General N. Raevsky, who offered to take the garden to the treasury under the name of "Sukhum-Kalsky military botanical garden", since the army needed provisions. Today, the Sukhumi Botanical Garden serves exclusively peaceful purposes, it conducts research work, and tourists and locals enjoy exotic trees and beautiful flowers.

There is a monkey nursery not far from the Sukhumi Botanical Garden, it works all year round, located on Mount Trapezia. The place for the primates was chosen wisely, the climate of Sukhumi, warm and humid, corresponds to the climatic conditions in which these amazing animals usually live.

True, the initial goal of organizing the nursery was completely different, the monkeys were supposed to become assistants in conducting various studies related to medicine, health protection, and space flights. Today, they continue to help scientists seek cancer cures and fight various diseases. On the other hand, the nursery is very popular with tourists who would like to get to know animals that are considered close human relatives.
