Interesting places in Barnaul, such as a monument to a kebab maker, parking lots and settlements from ancient times, the Tent Tower and other objects, will not leave indifferent any vacationer in this city.
Unusual sights of Barnaul
- House of Three Bogatyrs: This yellow and red brick building is famous for its massive bay windows with domes reminiscent of the iron helmets of Russian warriors.
- Wishing Bench: This beautiful bench with decorative lanterns (equipped with an urn for coins to be thrown “for good luck”) is popular with those wishing to make a wish, take a picture and sit on an unusual bench.
- Mosaic panel "Banners of revolution": depending on the lighting, every passer-by will be able to see something new in this unusual panel (decorates the building of the UFSB in the Altai Territory) due to the fact that the mosaic elements create a special play of light and shadows.
What interesting places to visit in Barnaul?

In Barnaul, it will be interesting to visit the World of Time museums (the museum displays at least 10,000 exhibits belonging to different historical periods; here visitors are allowed to try on pince-nez glasses, hold a meteorite shard, knock on the keys of a typewriter, examine glass inkwells of the 20-30s years of the 20th century), "How-So?" (the room of puzzles will make both children and adults think about it, and in the mirror room everyone can see 1000 reflections of himself; sightseers will be able to get into the wonderful world of instruments in the music room, as well as attend the “show of the crazy professor” - in the laboratory of Professor Nicolas demonstrates hydrogen explosions, polymer worms, optical illusions, etc.) and a car theft named after Dultsev-Detochkin (guests are invited to get acquainted with the history of the automotive industry, as well as look at models of domestic and foreign cars, hacking and protection against theft).
Park "Solar Wind" is a place where, according to the opinions of Barnaul residents, the whole family should come (the events and the map of the park can be found on the website https://wind.altaipark.rf): game programs, musical evenings, cafes, shooting range, 5 D-cinema, autodrome, “Hip-Hop”, “Rook”, “UFO”, “Orbit”, “Flying Dragons”, “Indian River”, “Fun Slides” and other attractions (total - 25) …
For active vacationers, Barnaul has prepared "Ethnopark" - there is a rope attraction "Taiga Trail" (obstacles are at a height of 2-6 meters). The nimble and courageous will have to walk along the swinging bridge and the rope over the abyss, overcome the rock wall, and at the end of the route everyone will have a breathtaking bungee flight.