What to visit in Karlovy Vary?

What to visit in Karlovy Vary?
What to visit in Karlovy Vary?
photo: What to visit in Karlovy Vary?
photo: What to visit in Karlovy Vary?

The Czech Republic belongs to the company of small European countries, but at the same time it has a huge tourism potential. Any traveler crossing the borders of the republic has no difficulty in what to visit in Karlovy Vary or Prague, the question is posed differently, how to prioritize in order to see all the best.

Now this is already a difficulty, since even in the small area of Karlovy Vary there are many amazing points, beautiful places and buildings. And although the main goal of tourists who come here is treatment, everyone tries to carve out time to explore the city and surrounding attractions.

What to visit in Karlovy Vary from museums

The Karlovy Vary resort, local residents assure, has fourteen healing springs, in fact there are only thirteen of them. The last (or, conversely, the first) on the list is the famous "Becherovka", a Czech liqueur, an amazing recipe for which has not been fully understood.

The history of the emergence of this delicious alcoholic drink can be found in the local museum, which bears the name of Jan Becher, a pharmacist and author of the recipe. This is one of the many answers to the question of what to visit in Karlovy Vary on your own, since the exposition is very simple, accessible, and practically does not require translation. The most interesting thing is that, having made just one step into the territory of the museum, each tourist begins to feel the aroma of Becherovka, or rather, the herbs and spices used for its preparation.

The recipe is known today to a limited number of people, everyone else knows that local water, herbs growing in the vicinity, and also brought from abroad are used for cooking, but what and in what quantities is a secret behind seven seals. You can also order a tour of the museum, during which they will tell you about the famous pharmacist, his technologies, introduce you to the containers used in the technological process. A delicious surprise awaits adult tourists in the finale - tasting of Jan Becher's creations. The drink you like can be purchased, and in the volumes that the tourist wishes (unfortunately, you need to remember about the norms of transportation across the border).

Another interesting museum is located in Karlovy Vary - "Moser", it works at a glass-blowing factory, respectively, tells about the history of this unique enterprise, whose products were supplied to Europe, for representatives of royal families. The expositions feature samples of products that have been produced for over 150 years. You can see both the oldest exhibits, which have already become an antique rarity, as well as original modern products. In addition, there is an opportunity to visit a glass-blowing workshop and watch the process.

A particularly pleasant moment after visiting the workshop and the museum is a trip to the company store operating at the plant. It is very difficult to refrain from buying beautiful crystal items, although the prices for them are quite high. There is also a bonus - the opportunity to sit in the Moser coffee shop and have a cup of aromatic coffee. On a sunny, hot day, you can go to the summer terrace, from here you can see the fountain, where there are crystal sculptures.

In the footsteps of the emperor

There is a legend that says that Emperor Charles IV put his hands to the foundation of Karlovy Vary, who discovered springs with mineral thermal water in these places. He instructed to establish a settlement here, and then build a castle. Unfortunately, the castle complex has not survived, but the city has its own attraction - the Castle Tower.

They say that it was built on the site of a hunting lodge that belonged to Emperor Charles IV. The tower is located above the famous Market Colonnade, rebuilt in the Baroque style. Today, the building houses a restaurant, which is very popular among city guests, and, what is pleasant, the prices are moderate, the menu includes dishes of Old Bohemian cuisine, prepared in strict accordance with old recipes.

Music of the Gardens

There is a beautiful corner of nature in the city, adored by the locals and, naturally, by the guests of Karlovy Vary - this is the Dvořákovy Sady. They represent several alleys, complemented by monuments, sculptures, numerous graceful benches, on which it is so convenient to relax in the canopy of trees.

The park is named after Antonin Dvořák, the most beloved composer of the Czechs. He repeatedly visited the Karlovy Vary spa, but only once for the purpose of recreation. All his other visits were related to professional activities, meetings with friends or colleagues. The garden appeared at the end of the 19th century, and was named after the composer in 1974, at the same time a sculpture of the great Czech musician appeared in the park. It is interesting that here you can find trees that are more than two hundred years old.
