Sydney walks

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Sydney walks
Sydney walks

Video: Sydney walks

Video: Sydney walks
Video: Sydney, Australia Walking Tour - 4K60fps with Captions - Prowalk Tours 2024, June
photo: Walks in Sydney
photo: Walks in Sydney

Few tourists get to Australia, this continent is too far away, so the road turns out to be long and quite expensive. But walking around Sydney or metropolitan Melbourne will more than reimburse all the costs, and conquering crazy waves or admiring, as experienced surfers do, in general, will remain in memory as one of the brightest moments in life.

Sightseeing tours in Sydney

Sydney remains one of the most beautiful cities on the Australian continent. Today, this metropolis is an amazing cocktail of masterpieces of modern architecture soaring into the sky and old Mediterranean-style urban development. You can explore the city on your own, but with a guide it will be much more interesting and educational.

Among the most famous sights and places of interest, tourists note the following:

  • Harbor Bridge - the leader in length among the Sydney bridges (503 meters);
  • Sydney Tower, another city record holder, but in height (305 meters);
  • Sydney Opera House, sailing building;
  • Sydney Aquarium, a favorite entertainment destination for young tourists.

As you can see, the locals do not like to bother looking for interesting and original names. They immediately indicate what this or that building, structure is, and emphasize its belonging to the city.

All at once or separately?

This question worries many guests of the city who come here for a couple of days, respectively, want to see as much as possible. It is important that there are sightseeing tours around the city and mini-excursions that introduce one or another interesting object.

For example, acquaintance with the Harbor Bridge, which the locals humorously call the "hanger" because of its shape. During the excursion, tourists get acquainted with the history of construction, technological features of the structure. And it is also allowed to climb the side arch to the very top of the bridge, from where the whole of Sydney is visible at a glance.

The Sydney Aquarium can also take a lot of time for curious tourists. The main inhabitants are fish and other marine life, the highlight of the aquarium are glass tunnels, so visitors immediately have a feeling of plunging into the abyss, and fish and sea reptiles will swim right overhead. But the most impressive sight awaits guests in the Darling Harbor area, where you can see the largest mammals of the planet - handsome whales, moreover, in their natural habitat, in the ocean.
