Coat of arms of Ulyanovsk

Coat of arms of Ulyanovsk
Coat of arms of Ulyanovsk
photo: Coat of arms of Ulyanovsk
photo: Coat of arms of Ulyanovsk

The heraldic symbol of the Ulyanovsk region looks very magnificent, solemn and rich. And the coat of arms of Ulyanovsk, the regional center, looks much more modest. And this despite the fact that the official signs of the region and its capital have common elements.

Description of the city coat of arms

The heraldic symbol of this Russian city on the Volga is based on a traditional French shield at the bottom, rounded at the corners and sharpened in the center. For the shield, the authors of the sketch chose a rich azure color. It is actively used in heraldry when creating the official symbols of cities, regions and countries. This color has a symbolic meaning of purity, first of all, in the spiritual sphere, purity of thoughts, actions, deeds.

There are not so many elements in the heraldic symbol of Ulyanovsk, so each of them can be considered in detail. The following symbols are located in the center of the shield:

  • a silver-colored pillar, a classic architectural structure;
  • base in the form of a hemisphere in black and gold;
  • a golden crown on a pillar.

Each of the elements carries a deep meaning, for example, the pillar is a symbol of democracy, its inviolability. So it is spelled out in the regulation on the heraldic symbol of Ulyanovsk. The crown, which is associated with the crown, is reminiscent of city government.

From the history of the Ulyanovsk coat of arms

The roots should be looked for in the Middle Ages, it was then, if exactly, then in 1672, the city, which was then called Sinbirsk, was granted the first heraldic symbol. Moreover, there was a special reason for such an important gift - the city twice held the defense against Stepan Razin and his supporters.

On the coat of arms there was a lion, a beautiful and formidable predator. The authors of the first sketch depicted the animal standing on three legs, in the front he held a sword, as a symbol of readiness to defend the city. The image was preserved in the form of a seal, which was placed under various documents.

Under Peter I, a heraldic office was created, it was its employees who chose a shield for Ulyanovsk with the image of an already known column. In 1712 it first appeared on the banners of the Simbirsk regiment, and in 1780 it was already the heraldic symbol of the city.

Since then, the coat of arms of Ulyanovsk has remained unchanged, despite the change in the toponym and significant changes that have taken place in the city over the past 200 years. The main points regarding the image of the coat of arms, its use, are spelled out in a normative act approved by the local authorities.
