History of Ivanovo

History of Ivanovo
History of Ivanovo
photo: History of Ivanovo
photo: History of Ivanovo

Thanks to the presence of several of the largest textile enterprises, this city is now known throughout the country as the chintz capital of Russia. The history of Ivanovo began in the 19th century with the reunification of two settlements - the village of Ivanovo and Voznesensky Posad.

Ancient period


The first inhabitants of these territories appeared before our era, archaeologists on the territory of the modern city today find artifacts related to the so-called Fatyanovo culture.

Excavations of burial mounds located in the central part of the city made it possible to reveal those dating back to the 11th – 12th centuries. household items of representatives of the ancient Finno-Ugric tribe Merya.

From village to city

The first inhabitants of the village of Ivanovo settled on the banks of the Uvod River, not far from the road connecting Rostov Veliky and Gorodets. In the local museum there is a document with a record that in 1328 there was a village of Ivan in these places, which later became a village.

There are disputes between historians today about the date of the founding of Ivanovo. Some say 1561, when Ivan the Terrible, after his wedding on Maria Cherkasskaya, transferred this settlement to the ethnic Circassians, the princes of Cherkassk. According to one version, the name of the city appeared as a token of gratitude to Ivan the Terrible for a generous gift.

During the Time of Troubles, the settlement was attacked by the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. In 1608-1609. In the village there was a Polish camp, where not only Poles, but also Cossacks settled. In 1631 Ivanovo was transferred into the possession of the last representative of the Shuisky family, already at that time the main occupation of local residents was the manufacture of linen canvases and their coloring.

Towards technical progress

A new page in the history of Ivanovo began at the turn of the 16th – 17th centuries, it was associated with the development of local crafts and trade. The convenient geographical location and the development of flax growing in these territories contributed to the development of weaving, dyeing fabrics and printing canvases. At the same time, the trade relations of the inhabitants of this settlement with Astrakhan, and through this port city with the countries of Asia, India, the Caucasus, Persia, became more active.

The role of Ivanovo as an industrial and trade center grew every year. This contributed to the development of the city itself, the expansion of borders, the activation of residential buildings, the emergence of manufactories, where the latest European technologies for processing linen and cotton fabrics were used.

