Among the heraldic symbols of modern Russian cities, the coat of arms of Kaluga occupies a special place. Firstly, it is one of the youngest emblems, as it was approved by the City Duma quite recently, in May 2000, but the symbols depicted on it have a very long history. And secondly, it can be attributed to the most stylish and beautiful emblems.
Symbolism of flowers
In a black and white image, the city's coat of arms will look very laconic, if not poor, but any color photo demonstrates the richness of the palette. For the main heraldic symbol of Kaluga, the colors of precious metals (gold and silver) were chosen, as well as one of the most popular in European heraldry - azure. To draw small details, scarlet, azure are used, the outline is shown in black.
Each of the shades has its own symbolic meaning, together they look like a king. Gold color is associated with solidity, wealth, greatness, intellectual potential. Silver correlates with concepts such as nobility, wisdom, justice.
In heraldry, the azure color is considered a symbol of glory, devotion, virtue, it also emphasizes the water resources of a particular region, in this case the symbol of the Oka. Scarlet, also a very popular color on coats of arms, is a symbol of courage, courage, courage.
Description of the Kaluga coat of arms
Although the heraldic symbol of the regional center was approved quite recently, it is based on the historical coat of arms of Kaluga, which was approved back in 1777. Even then, for the image, azure, gold and silver colors were chosen. The symbols in the historical and modern versions also coincide. The coat of arms is a kind of duet, consisting of a French shield with images and a motto ribbon.
In the azure field of the shield, you can see the following symbolic elements: a wavy belt painted in silver; Russian crown, which corresponds to the reign of Catherine the Great.
The belt symbolizes the Oka, on which the city stands. The crown reminds of the establishment of the Kaluga province at one time, this act contributed to the development of the city, turning it from a small, run-down town into an important economic and cultural center.
The purple ribbon at the base of the shield bears the Kaluga motto "The Cradle of Cosmonautics". This was done in honor of the great scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who lived and worked in this city for quite a long time.