If we compare the main official symbols of one of the Russian regions and its center, it turns out that they are identical. The coat of arms of Kursk, as well as the heraldic symbol of the region controlled by the city, have the same color palette, the same image. Its description will fit in one line, but behind this seeming simplicity lies deep symbolism and meaning, and the history of the heraldic sign has been going on for several centuries.
Description of the city coat of arms
For the image, the authors of the first sketch of the coat of arms chose only two colors, and those that are among the most popular in world heraldry - silver and azure. Due to this range, the heraldic symbol of Kursk looks very laconic and stylish, not only in old books, but also in modern color photos.
The composition of the sign is quite simple:
- a silver-colored shield, of the French form, the most widespread in modern Russia;
- through it - an azure wide stripe ("sling") to the left;
- on the strip - images of three silver partridges.
The modern coat of arms of this Russian regional center is based on the historical heraldic symbol received by the city back in the 18th century.
To the history of the symbol
The first to see this heraldic sign were the owners of the Znamenny coat of arms, which was published in 1730. It depicted the already famous birds, the most popular birds of that time in the region. This is how the authors' choice in favor of partridges was explained.
True, the drawing was officially approved as a symbol of the city only 50 years later, in January 1780. At the same time, he performed two missions, simultaneously being both the coat of arms of the city and the coat of arms of the Kursk governorship, later, the official heraldic symbol of the Kursk province.
In 1859, a new draft of the Kursk coat of arms appeared, but the city residents did not wait for official approval. This symbol was more complex, except for the birds located on the azure stripe, it depicted the coat of arms of the province. Above, the composition was crowned with a precious crown, golden ears framed the shield, tied with an Andreevskaya ribbon.
The Soviet government made its own adjustments to the coat of arms of Kursk. The neutral image of partridges, which was in no way associated with the Russian Empire, was supplemented with symbols of the new era - a bobbin of thread, a bearing and gears, which correlated with the developing industry, the positioning of the city as a large industrial center.