Modern Macau is an autonomous territory within the PRC. This region has a very interesting past. Even before 1999, it was a Portuguese colony, and the oldest in all of East Asia. Today, Macau is one of the two special administrative regions of the PRC, the second most important center after Hong Kong.
In this case, one can personally observe the famous Chinese principle of "one country - two systems", since having become part of the republic, Macau retained significant autonomy. This region has its own laws, legal, customs, monetary and migration policies, as well as the right of personal representation in various international organizations. He also has his own state symbols, such as the flag and coat of arms. In fact, only external diplomatic relations and defense remained under the jurisdiction of the central authorities of the PRC.
History of the coat of arms of Macau
The coat of arms of Macau in its current version also appeared in 1999. Before him, the old colonial coat of arms was in use, in which the image of a dragon, traditional for Asian countries, was used. The modern coat of arms looks somewhat different, it contains the following elements: a lotus flower; bridge; waves; five five-pointed stars.
Of all these symbols, only one directly relates to Macau - the Nombre de Carvalho bridge. The rest of the elements are of a more traditional character and reflect the worldview of the inhabitants of this region, as well as indicate its place in the modern world. For example, the lotus flower is the personification of creative power, purity, humble wisdom and spirituality, which allowed the country to survive all the hardships of colonial life and at the same time maintain its identity.
The waves, in turn, are a nod to Macau's ancient maritime traditions, as they have always played a key role in the development of this region. There is also a slightly different interpretation of this symbol. In this case, the sea waves symbolize the rise above difficulties and mean that not all unfavorable circumstances are evil in the traditional sense of the word, since many of them are sent down from above so that the people can overcome them with honor and turn them in their favor.
The five-pointed stars are an indication of the relationship that China and Macau have. Their interpretation is traditional: the big star represents the leadership of the CCP, and the smaller ones symbolize the four main classes of the Chinese population.