Gyumri is the second largest city in modern Armenia and one of the largest cultural centers. This city has a very ancient and glorious history. According to scientists, for the first time a large settlement appeared here in the fifth century BC, and judging by the remaining written sources, already at that time it was large and populous. It acquired its present name (in the old pronunciation it is read as Kumayri) in the 8th century. It should be noted that the history of this city was very difficult. Since the 19th century, it has been renamed several times, and along with the name such attributes as the coat of arms of Gyumri and the flag have also been transformed.
The modern coat of arms of Gyumri and its history
The modern variation of the coat of arms of Gyumri is fundamentally different from the previous ones. If, for example, the early coats of arms contained such pan-Armenian symbols as Mount Ararat with the sacred ark, as well as a cross, symbolizing the belonging of its inhabitants to Christians who came from Turkey, then the modern coat of arms has only those symbols that are directly related to its history. First of all, the following details can be noted:
- wheat ears;
- leopard;
- arch;
- plumb line;
- lantern of St. Gregory the Illuminator.
Meaning of symbols
According to heraldic traditions, ears of wheat symbolize prosperity and fertility, and on the coat of arms of Gyumri they occupy an honorable place, since the city has always been famous for the abundance of fertile black soil. The plumb line is a symbol of artisans, and the arch, in turn, personifies a reliable dwelling (stronghold).
As for other symbols, they include the already mentioned leopard and the lantern of St. Gregory. And this set was not chosen by chance. The leopard is a symbol of the royal Armenian Bagratid dynasty, whose representatives actively fought against Arab domination. Many historians are inclined to believe that the period of the Bagratid rule is considered the golden age in the history of Armenia.
Saint Gregory the Illuminator is one of the most revered religious figures in Armenia. According to numerous legends and traditions, it was he who became the person who converted Armenians to the Christian faith and contributed to the rapid development of a new culture. That is why he was nicknamed Gregory the Illuminator. The lantern present on the coat of arms is a direct reference to this saint and his glorious deeds.