Many Italian cities are a tourist Mecca for tourists, attracted by a huge number of architectural sights, historical monuments. If you look closely at the coat of arms of Turin, you can understand that the history of this city is no less ancient and glorious. Such a clue is given by the elements placed on the main official symbol of the city.
Description of the heraldic sign of Turin
The coat of arms of this large settlement in Italy consists of only two parts: an azure Swiss shield with the image of a bull; gold crown adorned with precious stones and pearls.
It is no coincidence that the animal appeared on the city's coat of arms. First, there is a version of the origin of the name "Turin" from the tour, an ancient bull that lived in Europe. Secondly, for the depiction of the animal, the authors of the sketch chose precious colors, the bull itself is shown in gold, and its horns are silver.
Also, experts in the field of heraldry note that the bull on the coat of arms is depicted not grazing, respectively, symbolizing peace and tranquility. The animal is shown standing in a rather threatening pose, which in heraldry has its own name - "rage". Therefore, we can say that the bull on the coat of arms is a symbol of a strong, powerful city, ready to defend its borders.
The crown also looks impressive on color photos, another important element of the coat of arms of Turin. She herself, as conceived by the artists, is made of gold, adorned with diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. A feature of the image of this headdress of monarchs is the decorative adornment in the form of pearls.
History of Turin through changes to the coat of arms
The modern coat of arms of the Italian city was approved in 1931 by a decree of the local authorities. The official document fixes which images should be present, and in what color.
In the descriptions of the coat of arms of Turin, which belong to the 19th century, mistakes were made, this is noted by many experts in the field of heraldry. In particular, it is indicated that stars and balls are depicted on the main symbol of the city. The error occurred due to the fact that precisely such elements were present on the coins printed in Turin, while the city's coat of arms was originally different.
The image of a bull, however, in red, was present on some documents already in 1360, a hundred years later the bull became silver. In 1613, the colors of the coat of arms were officially fixed - blue and gold. In the middle of the 17th century, the crown appears.
Napoleon Bonaparte presented the city's coat of arms with his own symbols, three red bees, insects left the heraldic symbol along with the end of the French rule.