National parks of North America

National parks of North America
National parks of North America
photo: National Parks of North America
photo: National Parks of North America

About two hundred national parks in North America are listed in the national registers of states belonging to this continent. Among them are not only the USA and Canada, but also Cuba, Mexico, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and several other island states.

Choosing a direction

All national parks of America - North and South - can be divided into three conditional groups:

  • Natural reserves, where especially rare or endangered species of flora and fauna, natural landscapes and formations, marine life, coral reefs are protected. In such places, it is possible not only to observe animals, but also to participate in active recreation programs - walking and cycling, rock climbing, conquering mountain peaks and underground caves.
  • The national parks of North America are also huge territories that were in the past ancient Indian cities. The Aztecs, Mayans, Olmecs and numerous other tribes left behind many historical monuments, architectural structures, temples and pyramids that invariably attract tourists interested in history.
  • Among the huge list of national parks in North America, there are territories where, in addition to observing animals, you can arrange an excellent beach vacation, go diving or fishing. Such national parks prevail in tropical latitudes - in Mexico, the Dominican Republic or Cuba.

Rules and guidelines

Each national park on the continent has its own visiting rules, which guests must strictly follow. Entrance to biosphere reserves is usually paid, the price of the entrance ticket depends on the age of the visitor and the country where the object is located. Most of the parks in Canada and the United States have special infrastructure for people with disabilities, but in the southern latitudes, people with disabilities cannot always comfortably participate in programs and activities carried out by the administration.

Information centers are open in the national parks of America, where you can take a map of the facility, learn about tourist routes, order a guide, and park your car. Some territories have a well-developed infrastructure with restaurants, souvenir shops and even hotels. Other parks are very modestly equipped and are more suitable for fans of outdoor activities.

In the lists of the best

The most visited national parks in North America have long been considered to be:

  • Yellowstone, Monument Valley, Yosemite, Grand Canyon and Blue Mountains in the USA.
  • Tulum, Benito Juarez, Basaseachi Falls in Mexico.
  • Park them. Humboldt, Desembarco del Granma and Vinales Valley on Liberty Island.
  • Darien in Panama.
  • Bruce Peninsula, Banff, Glacier and Olavik in Canada.
  • Virgin Islands on the archipelago of the same name in the Caribbean Sea.
