Almost all rivers in Ecuador originate in the mountains. During the rainy season in this country from January to April, many rivers overflow their banks.
Guaitara River (Rio Carchi)
Guaitara is one of the South American rivers flowing through the territories of Colombia and Ecuador. The total length of the channel is 158 kilometers. The source of the river is located on the slopes of the Colombian volcano Chiles (altitude 4753 meters above sea level). This river gave the name to one of the provinces of Ecuador - Carchi.
Guyas river
The riverbed of the Guyas is entirely within the territory of Ecuador. Its length is 389 kilometers. The source of the river is at the foot of the Chimborazo volcano, and the Guyas path ends in the waters of the Guayaquil Bay.
On the banks of the river is one of the largest cities in Ecuador - Guayaquil and the slightly smaller Duran. The river valley is located along the foothills of the Andes, which separate it from the Pacific coast.
Kurarai river
Curarai is a South American river that is part of the huge Amazon basin. The total length of the current is 800 kilometers, of which 414 kilometers pass through the lands of Peru. Kurarai is a tributary (right) of the Napo River.
The river source is located in the eastern foothills of the Andes. After that, Kurarai passes through the lands of two provinces: Pastasa (Ecuador); Loreto (region in Peru).
The river bed passes through the lands of the sparsely populated selva. The river valley is inhabited mainly by Quechua and Waorani - indigenous Indian tribes. The river is full-flowing throughout the year, but navigable only in the lower reaches.
Pastasa river
The river passes through the territory of Ecuador and Peru. The total length of the current is 710 kilometers. Pastasa is one of the largest tributaries of the Marañon River.
The source of the river is in the province of Cotopaxi (Ecuador, Cotopaxi volcano). In its upper course, it is called Patate, and only after it receives the waters of the Chambo River, does it begin to be called Pastasa. The river has quite a few tributaries. And the most significant for Pastas are: Chambo; Wasaga; Bobonas.
Putumayo river
The river makes its way through the territories of several states - Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The main part of the 1,800 kilometers of river flow passes through the lands of Brazil and only in the upper reaches it partially passes through Ecuador.
The Putumayo has several large tributaries, and it itself flows into the waters of the Amazon (being its left tributary). The highest level in the river is recorded during the period from October to May.