Many times, the capital of the Hawaiian Islands, the beautiful city of Honolulu, has been the subject of filming of world famous bestsellers and comedies. On the one hand, Honolulu is known as one of the most beloved resorts by Americans, on the other hand, its suburb is home to Pearl Harbor, a military base notorious for the events of the outbreak of World War II.
City of Thousand Faces
This is what tourists call Honolulu because of the large number of people on the streets. The second, completely unoriginal name of the capital of the fiftieth American state is "the city of a thousand skyscrapers." Indeed, there are enough high-rise buildings here; in terms of their number, the settlement can be compared with the famous New York.
And yet it is not urban architecture, albeit very beautiful, that attracts the attention of travelers - but the most beautiful bay on the shore of which the capital is located. By the way, translated from Hawaiian the name sounds primitively simple - "secluded bay". Such a simple name does not discourage guests who want to lie on the golden sand or plunge into the azure ocean waves.
Waikiki Beach - a heavenly dream
The Honolulu resort area spans many miles along the sea and becomes the final destination on the guest card. The name Waikiki also comes from the Hawaiian language, here the translation sounds more poetic - "flowing water", it reminds of spring streams rushing to the ocean.
Among the beaches of Honolulu, naturally, competition unfolds, although, on the other hand, many of them have their own specifics and, accordingly, their own tourist. Among the most famous, the following beaches are most often called:
- Hanauma Bay, its highlight is the gorgeous landscapes of the sea kingdom, opening up to those who have mastered snorkeling;
- Sunset Beach, the dream of everyone on the island;
- North Store, located in the north and interesting primarily for surfers;
- Kailua beach, which attracts thousands of windsurfing fans.
It is clear that, given this "specificity" of the beaches, the majority of vacationers are teenagers and young people. Although older tourists can find decent places to stay.
Wildlife excursions
Holidays in Honolulu are not only about beach, sun and endless ocean. You should definitely leave Waikiki Beach for at least one day to discover the natural attractions located in the vicinity of the capital.
You can climb one of the local peaks, visit the valleys with pineapple groves (an amazing sight for many), go to the paradise Manao Falls or the tropical jungle.