Rivers of Argentina

Rivers of Argentina
Rivers of Argentina
photo: Rivers of Argentina
photo: Rivers of Argentina

The richest rivers in Argentina are located in the northeastern part of the country and are part of the La Plata basin.

Vinchina-Berchemo river

Geographically, the river is located in western Argentina. The source of Vinchina-Berchemo is the Patagonian Andes. Then it descends and passes through the lands of three provinces: La Riojo; San Juan; San Luis. The river is part of the Rio Colorado River system.

The source of the river is located at an altitude of 5500 meters above sea level. The name of the river changes depending on which province it passes along the border. So, in La Riojo, the river is called either Boneta or Jague. After crossing into San Juan territory, the river becomes the Rio de Vincina or Rio Bermejo. On the banks of the river is the large Talampaya National Park.

Iguazu river

The total length of the river bed is 1320 kilometers and translated from the Guarani Indians language means "big water". The source of Iguazu is located in the Serra do Mar mountains (near Curitiba) and is the confluence of two rivers - Atuba and Irai.

The upper course is very winding. In this part of the river, the current has many waterfalls, in total there are seventy. The middle course of the Iguazu is much quieter and here the river is navigable for five hundred kilometers (within the state of ParanĂ¡). In this section, the river receives about thirty tributaries. The lower course (up to the moment the Iguazu flows into the Parana) is the natural border separating Brazil and Argentina.

Iguazu gained popularity thanks to its waterfalls. They are located thirty kilometers from its mouth, where the river spreads four kilometers in breadth and forms a huge loop. Most of the waterfalls are located in Argentina. The total width of the waterfalls is almost three kilometers. And every second tons of water fall down from a height of seventy-five meters.

The waterfalls were discovered in 1542 and now attract many tourists.

Rio Salado River

The Rio Salado translates as "salt river" and is the right tributary of the Parana. The river passes through the territory of three provinces of Argentina: Salta;

Santiago del Estero; Santa Fe. The total length of the river channel is 1,300 kilometers. The river has several names - Guachinas, Juramito and Rio de Pasaji.

The source of the river is the eastern slopes of the Central Andes. Upstream it is a classic mountain river. After reaching the Gran Chaco plain, the current splits into several branches, and the river bed is constantly changing. The river is navigable only between November and March. During the rest of the year (May-September), the river flow becomes much shallower and sometimes even completely dries up in some places.
