- Zimbabwe International Airport
- Metropolitan direction
- Home airlines
This country on the black continent was able to preserve the virgin nature of Africa, and therefore, despite the long and expensive flight, Russian tourists also fly here on excursions and safaris. Zimbabwe Airport accepts flights from many countries, but it is most convenient for travelers from Moscow to get on the wings of British Airways with a transfer in London or on board Turkish Airlines with a connection in Istanbul. All other options involve double transfers - for example, via Frankfurt and Johannesburg or Amsterdam and Cape Town. The flight time will be at least 15 hours, excluding connections.
Zimbabwe International Airport
The only international airport in Zimbabwe is located in the northeast of the country. The city in which the airport is located is the capital of Zimbabwe, Harara, whose center and airfield are only 11 kilometers apart.
Transfer from the air harbor to the capital is available by taxi or bus. Many travelers use the airport pick-up service of the hotel they intend to stay at.
Metropolitan direction
The capital of Zimbabwe is a fairly large city by African standards - its population exceeds three million people. The international airport provides the movement of not only citizens of the country, but also foreign tourists arriving in Zimbabwe on vacation.
Zimbabwe Airport was officially opened in 1957. It is located at an altitude of 1490 meters above sea level, and every year the landing of aircraft is complicated by an increasing number of growing high-rise buildings near the airfield.
The runway at Zimbabwe Airport is considered one of the longest on the continent, and modernization is ongoing.
Among the airlines that have regular flights to Zimbabwe are many well-known world carriers:
- Air Madagascar operates regular flights to the capital of Madagascar, Antananarivo.
- Air Seychelles flies to the Seychelles.
- Ethiopian Airlines, Kenia Airways, LAM Mozambique Airlines, South African Airways and TAAG Angola Airlines connect Zimbabwe airport with the capitals of neighboring countries - Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Nairobi in Kenya, Beira in Mozambique, Johannesburg in South Africa and Luanda in Angola.
- British Airways brings British residents and those who fly here via London to the African continent.
- Turkish Airlines flights are a direct route to Istanbul and many more destinations for which you can buy tickets from the Turkish metropolis.
All details about the infrastructure of the airport in Zimbabwe and the services provided to passengers can be found on its website - www.caaz.co.zw.
Home airlines
The local airline is called Air Zimbabwe and its planes fly regularly to many countries in Europe and the world. Major destinations include Amsterdam, Bangkok, Barcelona, Berlin, Istanbul, Manila, Male, Mumbai, Tokyo, Vienna, Perth and Munich.