Of all the state emblems and symbols existing on the planet, the coat of arms of Mauritania belongs to the company of the most laconic and restrained. First, a rather modest palette was used, in which only three colors are presented: green; yellow, corresponding to gold; white, corresponding to heraldic silver. Secondly, the Moorish coat of arms depicts the minimum number of symbols, which is why it looks laconic and stylish.
Description of the coat of arms
A significant event for every Mauritanian took place on April 1, 1959, on this day the main emblem of the state was approved. As you can see, the authors of the project practically did not think about what colors and symbols to use.
In fact, the coat of arms of Mauritania repeats the national flag, the same colors, green, gold, and symbols. The central place on the flag and on the emblem of the country is occupied by a golden crescent, accompanied by a star painted in the same precious color.
Difference in shape: the flag is traditionally rectangular, the main emblem of the Mauritanian state is made in the form of a circle. Its central part is green with gold symbols of the Muslim faith.
The outer part of the circle is white, along which there is an inscription in Arabic and French - "Islamic Republic of Mauritania". The French language is reminiscent of the time when Mauritania was a French colony.
Symbols of the Moorish emblem
With such a modest list of colors and elements, each of them is deeply symbolic. Traditionally, gold and green are considered the national colors of the African continent. In addition, green symbolizes Islam; it is present on the coats of arms of many Islamic states. And gold plays an additional role, it is a symbol of the sands of the Sahara, which occupy most of the territory of Mauritania.
In addition to the green color, the country's emblem contains the main symbols of Islam - the star and the crescent. The coat of arms of Mauritania contains images of two plants, one of which can be easily recognized as a palm tree.
Since 60% of the territory is the Sahara Desert, the country's vegetation is very poor and scarce. The palm tree is the source of life and normalcy for many Mauritanians. They use wood, leaves, fruits in the household. Among other representatives of the flora, sorghum, millet, and corn help to survive in harsh conditions.