Railways of Mexico

Railways of Mexico
Railways of Mexico

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photo: Railways of Mexico
photo: Railways of Mexico

The railways of Mexico are several local routes. Today the railway system is almost never used. The train runs on the Chihuahua - Los Mochis line, the tourist train goes to Yutakan from Cancun. Near Mexico City, there are electric trains connecting the suburbs with the capital. The transport sector of the state is represented by rail, sea, air and road transport.

Railways in Mexico

There is no high-quality transport system due to the difficult terrain. This feature has been an obstacle for the development of the economy for a long time. The transport network is gradually expanding, but remote regions remain inaccessible. In connection with this situation, the main role in transportation is assigned to air traffic.

The railway lines stretch for 27 thousand km. Trains provide 80% of freight traffic. The largest railway companies in the country: KCSM, Ferromex, Ferrosur, etc. Part of the railways is operated by the state-owned company Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico. About 32% of cargo is transported by sea. There are 12 ports in Mexico: Acapulco, Veracruz, Manzanillo, etc.

The main road before nationalization was considered the Interoceanic Railway of Mexico. After the privatization in the 90s, passenger traffic was temporarily stopped, which became unprofitable. The rail freight system is operated by different companies under government concessions. The message focuses on freight. The routes connect the ports with the industrial centers of the state. Passenger traffic was limited to tourist trains until 2008. Then a suburban railway was opened between the state of Mexico and the capital. In addition, Mexico City has a metro that is actively exploited.

Mexican routes

Currently, tourist routes are popular with passengers. In the northwest, a train runs through the canyon to the coast of the Gulf of California. He goes to Chihuahua and comes back. The journey takes 16 hours. Two tourist trains depart from Guadalajara in the state of Jalisco. You can find a ticket for the desired route on the transport.marshruty.ru website. It is recommended to purchase tickets in advance. Discounts are provided to students.

City rail systems are represented by tram lines and metro. Today, passenger traffic is being restored in the country. New lines have been under construction since 2014. Intercity trains will run at a speed of about 300 km / h on the Mexico City - Toluca route.
