Independently to Spain

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Independently to Spain
Independently to Spain

Video: Independently to Spain

Video: Independently to Spain
Video: Living ALONE in Spain - My Experience 2024, June
photo: Independently to Spain
photo: Independently to Spain

The ideal country for any kind of holiday is Spain. Beaches and ski resorts, huge outlets and designer boutiques, architectural sights and the richest museum exhibitions - the country of flamenco and bullfighting is ready to give its guests all the most interesting and exciting. To go to Spain on your own, you just need to familiarize yourself with the entry rules and choose the appropriate flight.

Entry formalities

As a member of the European Union, Spain adheres to common border and customs formalities for it. For a Russian tourist traveling in a group or independently to Spain, a Schengen visa is required. The requirements for obtaining it are standard, but the individual traveler will have to confirm the stay with a hotel reservation or an apartment rental agreement. A medical policy for the entire stay in the country is also desirable.

Direct flights are carried out by both Russian and Spanish airlines. Regular communication has been established to Madrid and Barcelona, and charter - also to resort cities and islands.

Euro and spending

The official currency of Spain is euros, but having US dollars or British pounds with him, the traveler can always exchange them at bank branches or special points, at the airport upon arrival or in hotels.

Traveling independently in Spain, a tourist will have to face the need to order food, buy transport tickets or pay for hotels. Spanish prices are a little more democratic than European ones on average, but you will hardly be able to save especially:

  • A plate of specialty paella in a street tourist cafe will cost 12-15 euros, but the portion is quite enough for two.
  • A slice of pizza to go can be taken for 1.5 euros, and a portion of shawarma - for three.
  • A kilogram of an elite ham is sold in Spanish markets for 100-200 euros, and a regular one is three times cheaper.
  • When renting a car, do not forget that a liter of gasoline can be bought only slightly cheaper than 1.5 euros, parking in Barcelona and Madrid is usually paid even in hotels, and fines for a car left in the wrong place can reach 200 euros (prices are valid for August 2015).

Valuable observations

Going to Spain on their own, tourists most often fly to Barcelona and begin their acquaintance with the country from there. Tourist buses run around the city, tickets for which cost 30 euros. They are valid for two days and allow you to enter and exit at any stop as often as you like - a profitable and convenient way to see the most important sights.
